Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Top Warhammer Online Shaman Guide - Warhammer Online Shaman Characters, Strategy & Leveling Guides

In Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, the goblin who wields magic under the Greenskins Army (categorized under the Armies of Destruction) is called the Shaman. They are not as fierce finding as the Orcs because goblins are considerably smaller. The Shaman wears tattered clothes and carries a staff. Among the many skills of this goblin magician are augmentation and healing powers. They can also call on to the gods of the Greenskins. A number of gamers have constructed a Warhammer Shaman Guide to help out newbies and other players in trying to both play as and fight against the Shaman.

The Shaman can have as much as five points per casting of the Mork's Waaagh! When the shaman uses its healing power, it also uses up the Mork's Waaagh in order to add follow to the spell cast to heal. The number of points used up determines how fast the healing takes effect. For example, five points consumed from the built-up Waaagh would make for a quicker healing compared to the use of just one point.


Under the Warhammer Shaman Guide, the strengths and weaknesses of the Shaman are listed. The Shaman is a specialist to Gork, one of the Greenskins deities. Each enemy killed through shaman magic is a form of respect and exaltation to Gork. When the Shaman uses his magic for healing purposes, this act is carefully homage to the other god, Mork. Because of his abilities in both combat and healing, the shaman is carefully a extremely versatile occupation choice in Warhammer. He is also extremely skilled in ranged Dps attacks. The weaknesses of a Shaman include low condition points and weak defenses. The shaman wears light robes and they use staff as a weapon. Unlike the orcs, shamans are intellectual goblins and they have willpower.

According to the Warhammer Shaman Guide, there are three Mastery Paths for the Shaman: the Path of Mork, the Path of Gork, and the Path of Da Green. As mentioned earlier, the Shaman honors two of the Greenskin gods: Mork and Gork. In the mastery path of Gork, the shaman focuses on his healing powers. Each time he casts healing spells, it contributes in building up the power of the Mork's Waaagh! The higher the build up of the Waagh!, the good the Shaman becomes. His healing potential is increased. On the other hand, the Path of the Mork focuses on the Shaman's combative skills. Every destructive spell he casts also builds up the Waaagh! More points built up means more obnoxious magical abilities. A lot of other careers or classes tend to underestimate the power of the Morkish shaman, and they have had the unfortunate opportunity of meeting fatality because of it. The third mastery path is authentically a middle line between the Path of Mork and the Path of Gork. For the player who wishes neither of Mork and Gork specialties, the Path of the Da Green is most fitting. The shaman in this path doesn't care about enhancing his Dps or expanding his magical abilities so much. He cares more about manufacture sure the Greenskins army wins. Whatever who is not part of their army must be righted and all who are already affiliated with the Greenskins must be made more devoted to the army.

Top Warhammer Online Shaman Guide - Warhammer Online Shaman Characters, Strategy & Leveling Guides

Monday, May 30, 2011

Warhammer Online - normal information and divulge

Leveling: There are 3 different ways to level.

There is PvE caress which allows you to gain PvE levels. There are 40 PvE levels. You will find that it is quite easy, compared to other Mmo's, to level in PvE, this is intentional. There is a Huge emphasis on making the game "fun". PvE levels allow you to "buy"(Really cheap, there is no big coin need to buy PvE skills) skills and abilities. There is also special PvE skills and abilities that you gain depending upon which tree you pick to specialize in.(Each class has three different trees to specialize in) always buy all PvE skills/abilities that you can, since there is no hurt in having them.


There is PvP experience, which allows you to gain PvP levels, this is called "Renown". There is a total of 80 PvP levels. PvP levels allow you to gain a few new skills, abilities, or attributes, depending on where you place your Renown points. You get 1 point for each Renown level you gain.

There is also "Influence" experience. This is isolate from Renown and PvE experience. This is tiny to a Pq area.(Pq = group Quest) When you first start out there is only one Pq in the very lobie area. As you move up in levels and inspect more of the world you will find other Pq's. There are three levels for each Pq, each level allows you to pick an item that you want. In the lobie areas the items are not that big of a deal, any way after you hit about level ten, you will start finding Pq's that bonus blue items, these are very decent! When you take part in a Pq, after the Pq is perfect there will be a dice roll for loot. The more you conduce to the Pq the larger bonus you get to the roll. The top players get extra loot that they make pick from the end Pq treasure chest. Understand that after you hit the third level you get to pick a level one item, a level two item, and a level three item. If you only perfect the first level, you can only pick a level one item from the Npc. After you reach level three of a Pq there is indubitably No calculate to continue doing that areas Pq(s), as it is time to move on.(You cannot keep getting items after you pick that level's item)

Crafting: There was very tiny crafting content in the closed/open/preview gameplay. This was also intentional in that the Devs did not want to give a lot of game info away. The crafting that was in the game is very easy and self explained in the "Tomb of Knowledge" think of this as an in game encyclopedia. I will give one example of a crafting skill. You can grow your own "seeds"(These drop from mobs, and some can also be purchased from merchants to get you started) You get a isolate window to grow your own seeds. To start out with, you can only grow one seed at a time, any way later, with levels, you will be able to grow up to four at a time. You can add water, a nutrient, and soil to give your plant a best opening to grow into something else besides a weed. After your plant grows you "loot" it. From this you can buy a vial and mix a potion. There are quite a few different potions you can make. There is even a tutorial to show you how to do this. This is not a long drawn out process, to just grow a seed takes a very short time.(Adding water, soil or a nutrient shortens this time.)

Gear: No you are not going to spends hours camping Anything! Gear drops are common and you do get some trash loot that will give you more then enough coin to buy levels and items. Since you do Not have to PvE at all in the game there are "Renown Gear Merchants". These merchants have average to awesome gear that you can buy pretty cheap, any way you have to be a distinct PvE level And a distinct PvP level to get them. The best the gear, the higher the level needed to buy the items. They do scale very well to your current level. With no qoute at all I was fully geared out in "greens" by level ten on all classes. You will also be able to loot off enemy dead players in PvP! This does Not come out of their inventory, any way the vast majority of items are greens or better. So always loot in PvP if you see the "sparklies" nearby an enemy dead player.

Areas: What if you are an orc and have a dark elf friend? From the very start of the game it will take you less then ten minutes to go join a friend in someone else area.(You need a very small whole of coin to "buy" a ride.) All the quests in all the areas can be completed by any race/class. Also do note that voyage time is not some 30 tiny trip on a flying mount, it takes about twelve seconds to fly to a new area.

I know that all this info sounds a tiny overwhelming, any way you will catch on very speedily and you will see that the game was indubitably designed to be Fun. Like PvP, then go PvP'ing. Tired of PvP'ing, go to a Pq and get some phat loot. Tired of PvP and Pq's go do PvE quests. Tired of PvP, Pq's and PvE questing, go do some crafting. So far in War I have never come to be bored, as I can always find something to do that is fun, and I say this having leveled over 160 times!

Warhammer Online - normal information and divulge

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Warhammer 40k - The Necrons, The Tau and The Tyranids

The Warhammer 40k universe is filled with lively fantasy alien races which have contributed to production the game as beloved as it is today.  The battles waged against the Imperium of Man by its enemies continue and the galaxy continues to be at war.

Defending the humans from the alien races are the ever loyal Space Marines, the brave Imperial Guard, and the Inquisition.  On the other side of the battlefield, the human race faces its most tasteless enemies: the troops of Chaos, the Orks, and the Eldar.


However, as beloved as these three races are among players who wage battle against the Imperium of Man, there are three other races which are often overlooked by those new to the Warhammer 40k hobby, and which offer more unique and impressive battle tactics.  These are the alien races of the Necrons, the Tau, and the Tyranids.

The Necrons are mysterious robot-like creatures that have come back from their 60-million years of dormancy to haunt the galaxy once more. The Necrons were once frail creatures, who were searching for answers to increase their short life span.

Then, the C'tans came in and offered them the quality to enclose the Necron souls in metal bodies. However, as a result, the Necrons were forced to come to be the C'tans' slaves. In the Warhammer 40k tabletop game, the Necrons are troops that strike from the shadows. Their intentions are unknown but these troops are much feared in the 40k tabletop game because of their bodily toughness, allowing them to withstand great damage as well as their impressive mysterious weapons and technology.

The Tau, on the other hand, are among the youngest races to engage in battle on the Warhammer 40k tabletop. Although still a young race, the Tau have made rapid advancements since their first appearance in the 40k universe. From warring clans to now a unified caste system, the Tau Empire has industrialized immensely in science and technology as well. The Tau may be few in number, but their impressive unity and technology prove that they are tough to beat in battle. In the 40k tabletop battlefield, their vast firepower and mobility make them much stronger than their opponents in long-range battles.

The Tyranids are the most ferocious predators that roam the Warhammer 40k tabletop. All that is known about them is that they were specifically bio-engineered to kill. In fact, their name was derived by the Imperium from Tyran, the place these creatures first devoured.  Each Tyranid is a living weapon; these creatures fight quick and bloody close-combat battles. The Tyranids move in hives and normally overpower their opponents because of their large number.

These three alien races are all lively in their own ways. The back story to these alien races is told over the Warhammer 40k rule books, magazines, and novels from Games Workshop.  Although not always the most beloved among new players, the Necrons, the Tau, and the Tyranids continue to add depth and unique character to one of the most unique and successful table top games in the last two decades.

Warhammer 40k - The Necrons, The Tau and The Tyranids

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Warhammer Online Guide - fascinating Wizard Aoe Template

This Warhammer online build was based on the following guidelines:

- Had to be Aoe.
- Emphasis was on PvP.
- Personal protection and achievement is meaningless, as long as the team wins.


The sharp Wizard:

Prime stats: (In order of importance)

Intelligence = adds to magic damage in Warhammer online Wounds = adds to Hp in Warhammer online Willpower = adds to % to disrupt spells in Warhammer online

The 25 points will be located as follows: (There will be a few extra points gained through RvR rewards, however we will not use them here)

15 in "Conflagration"
Buy the following skills in the Conflagration tree for one point each:

Annihilate Fiery Reserves Spreading Flames Backdraft Conflagration of Doom

Skills in the tree you do not buy: "Explosive Force" and "Wildfire"

The last 5 points will be put in the "Incineration" tree. Any additional points should also be located in "Incineration", there is no theorize in Warhammer online to buy the bottom or second to the bottom skill in the tree.

80 RvR points to be located in:

Acumen level 1 = 1 point Acumen level 2 = 3 points Acumen level 3 = 6 points Acumen level 4 = 10 points Acumen level 5 = 14 points
Resolve level 1 = 1 point Resolve level 2 = 3 points Resolve level 3 = 6 points
Sage level 1 = 2 points Sage level 2 = 4 points
Focused Power level 1 = 5 points Focused Power level 2 = 10 points Focused Power level 3 = 15 points

The purpose of this build is to put out immense Aoe Dps.

Here are the planned active morale skills:

Level 1 = Mage Bolt Level 2 = Ruin and Destruction Level 3 = Scintillating power Level 4 = Conflagration of Doom

and the planned tactic slots:

Endless Knowledge Fan The Flames Fiery Reserves Devour Energy

Warhammer Online Guide - fascinating Wizard Aoe Template

Friday, May 27, 2011

extreme War Online Chaotic Tome Tactic Guide - Warhammer Leveling & Strategy Guides

Warhammer online players should be familiar with the tactics from the Tome of Knowledge or used to be known as Tok which contain the Warhammer online chaotic tome tactic guides.

This chaotic tactic basically composed of the following:


Chaotic Form-

Increases players occasion to defend and ward off attacks that is cast and made by the enemy which could be in the form of Beastmen. This growth is comprised by 5 percent which is of big help to say his life points.


The beastmen monster assault is lessened since it allows them to ward off the enemy as well, 5% is also reduce. Thus, this strategy is of dual advantage to the gamer having himself protected and be free of greatest damage.


Protects the participant with the assault of the B-monsters who are considered as the foe by 5 percent with 5% discount in damage if said assault was inflicted. Aside from this, further advantage of this game is that a 2 second period is granted for his abilities to cool down.

How to Unlock Warhammer online chaotic tome tactic?

This could be achieved when they achieve the following:

Grisly Necklace should be right clicked once it is already in the list of the onliner.

When they receive the item, he needs to kill Blackhorn Bestigors. When he has the said gem at 39l, then he needs to take and interact to Blackhorn Beastigor.
When one gets a clear Ungor Talisman, then it is the right time for him to kill and bring down Blackhorn Ungors. The Talsiman could be sold whenever you see an online merchant.

Kill Riptusk-

To achieve this he must first find Riptusk along the location of North West Eataine. Warhammer online chaotic tome tactic guide pose the possibility to be unlocked when the player completes or performed bestial tactics could also be unlocked.

extreme War Online Chaotic Tome Tactic Guide - Warhammer Leveling & Strategy Guides

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to Paint Your Figurines For Warhammer

Painting Warhammer figures is a rewarding hobby and surprisingly easy to get great results. Games Workshop and Citadel Miniatures manufacture their models with strong relief and exaggerated features to make painting them easier and increase the drama of a fulfilled, miniature. This brief report covers the basics of this hobby. Once you've mastered these basics, you'll be able to generate wonderfully painted armies that will look extraordinary as they come to grips against your enemies on the gaming table.

After assembling the models, the first step is priming. Priming is essential. A good primer is designed to cleave to plastic and metal, unlike the other paints you will use, and it also provides an easier surface to paint. Priming will make your models look best and make their paint jobs much more resilient as you play with them game after game. There are only a few considerations here. If you are painting a predominantly dark colored miniature, you can primer the model black. This has the added bonus of manufacture all the recesses and other hard to get spots dark as well so they won't stand out on the fulfilled, model. If you are painting a predominantly light colored model - one with very thoughprovoking reds and yellows, for example - you may reconsider priming the model white or maybe tan. This can be a bit more work, in that you will need to ensure to paint all the recesses of course well or the white will show straight through quite well. Finally, you can choose to prime your model in its base colors before assembly - flesh on arms, legs and heads, metal on weapons, your major color on everything else.


Spraying the primer should be done in a well ventilated area at room temperature. surface is ideal. reconsider wearing dust mask or respirator. Shake the can of primer very well, and apply according to the instructions on the can. Usually, this involves spraying in short, quick strokes about 8 inches from the model.

After the primer dries, you can paint your figures. It of course only takes a few colors to come up with some reasonable results. Many Warhammer tournaments wish you to paint your models to at least a three color acceptable - meaning the models must have at least three colors. There are many approaches to painting models. This report will gift a very former approach.

While very "old school", this former follow provides consistently exquisite results. It involves three steps - base coat (or blocking in), mid-tones, and highlights. The principles behind the arrival is to layer on successfully brighter tones to contribute greater depth to your model and to make it look plainly lighted. Each area of the model will be painted with matched tones of progressively lighter color - for good combinations for Citadel paints, see Games Workshop's How to Paint Citadel Miniatures, page 96.

First step, apply your base colors to all areas. If your hands shake or you have problems being neat, don't worry. You will successfully be able to cover up any stray brush marks as you go. If you used black or a dark primer, try to let the primer show straight through in the deepest recesses; if you used white or light primer, you pretty much need to paint the whole model. Complicated coats of thin paint will work best than a single coat directly out of the paint pot. Let these dry, and then "wash" a dark tone (such as Badab black) over the whole model. A wash is watered down so that the paint flows very thin, with color pooling into the recesses and folds of the model. If desired, many paint manufacturers contribute pre-mixed washes. This will take some time to dry.

The second step is to apply the mid-tones. A key point here is you want both the base coat and your wash to show straight through in the recesses and folds - you're only going to paint the more exposed parts of the model. There's two methods - dry brushing and over brushing. Dry brushing involves get paint on your brush, brushing it against a towel until dry adequate that you only paint the top parts. Then just dust it onto the model. This can contribute excellent results, but it does take time and practice. If you live in a dry climate, it might not be practical (the paint dries too fast). You can also just thought about layer the paint onto the high points of the model directly. This is called over brushing. Over brushing is quicker, but will look sloppier than dry brushing. When done, wash again, but something a bit lighter - such as Devlan Mud.

When dry, you can execute the final painting step - highlighting. You use your lightest tones to feature the very edges and points of your model's details. You can use the dry brushing recipe for this, or just the edge of your paint brush. After this dries, you should paint the model with clearcoat matt varnish to help protect it - after all, it took attempt to paint the model and you want the paint job to last a long time.

There are variations. I you want to work more speedily you can block in the model and then dip them in Army Painter Quick Shade. This is ideal for large armies. The results will be good. In fact you can even do a layer of highlighting before dipping to help add more depth to the model. If you want more detail, you can do more layers (rather than the three shown here). The extreme technique is to of course blend the paints on the model. This is a very advanced technique.

Give painting your models a try - even a mediocre paint job will look great from three feet away on the game table! Your painted models will make playing Warhammer much more rewarding.

How to Paint Your Figurines For Warhammer

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Top Warhammer Online Black Orc Guide - Warhammer Online Black Orc Strategy and Leveling Guides

With the publish of the new game "Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning," Mmorpg enthusiasts have made efforts to get to know the character specifications in the game. In Warhammer, there are two groups: the armies of order and the armies of destruction. Under the armies of destruction, there are a wide collection of players to select from. However, identified as one of the most intimidating characters is the Black Orc. Hence, a lot of gamers have constructed a Warhammer Black Orc Guide to help out newbies and other players in trying to both play as and fight against the Black Orc.

The Warhammer Black Orc is a one of the occupation options or classes under the Greenskins Army. They keep growing as the game progresses and therefore, the tougher the orc, the bigger it gets. The only opponent qualified to vanquish or stop a Black Orc is one that is bigger and stronger. However, that may prove to be quite a feat since the Black Orc Warlord - Grimgor Ironhide - is easily 15-feet tall. Under the Warhammer Black Orc Guide, the strengths and weaknesses of the Black Orcs are listed.


Strengths of the Black Orc: It takes a long time for them to die because they have ample hit points. The Black Orc is protected by heavy metal armor that is not easily damaged by opponents.

Weaknesses of the Black Orc: Due to their size and muscular built, Black Orcs are slow when it comes to motion. Ranged attacks are difficult to accomplish if you are playing as a Black Orc. When it comes to Dps, or Damage Per Second, Orcs are slower compared to the other occupation options in Warhammer.

According to the Warhammer Black Orc Guide, there are three mastery paths for the black orc. These are: the Path of Da Brawler, the Path of Da Toughest, and the Path of Da Boss. The first path, the Path of the Da Brawler, is purported to growth your Dps. When your Dps is enhanced, your fights end quicker and you easily move on to your next fight. The more battles you fight, the best Black Orc you become. The second path, the Path of Da Toughest, is aimed at fighting until you finally outlast your enemies. You have to make use of your shield to stay alive in the game. The last path according to the Warhammer Black Orc Guide is the Path of Da Boss where leadership is key. You simply have to boss around your players. You make sure that your team works well and of course, you win the game. Although the guide serves as a bit of a walk through in the game, it can only help a player to a distinct extent. The best form of guide for the Warhammer player would still be for him to sense the game first-hand.

Top Warhammer Online Black Orc Guide - Warhammer Online Black Orc Strategy and Leveling Guides

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Warhammer Online Empire Classes

The Empire is the human race in Warhammer Online. They have an alliance with the Dwarfs and the High Elves against the impending attacks from the Chaos armies. There are three Empire classes that you can choose from, absorbing Wizard, Warrior Priest, and the Witch Hunter.

The absorbing Wizard is a very destructive, very high damage per second fire casting class. A absorbing Wizard can specialize in different paths such as high singular target damage, damage over time or multiple targets. These spells come with a price thought, too many high combustion spells can blow up in your face. Since they specialize in pure destruction they have roughly no armor or melee offense. Instead their clothing is ordinarily made up of cloth items with enchantments on them.


Warrior Priests are a melee class that strengthens as you come to be more complicated in combat. While the Warrior clergyman does have heals and buffs they are not very efficient if you are not complicated in combat, so no standing on the side lines. They are of medium armor and like many other classes can choose a path of mastery. You can go towards the healer side, go down the middle, or go for physical buffs to growth your dps.

The Witch Hunter is the final Empire Class, and can be compared to an assassin or thief in other games. They are light armored and use pistols, knives, swords, and torches to best effect on unsuspecting opponents. They seek to destroy Chaos wherever they can and will do so by anyone means possible. You can specialize in more right forward combat or you can go the stealthy route and get bonuses for hitting unsuspecting targets. Whether way sounds like fun to me.

These are the three Warhammer Online Empire Classes that you can choose from. All three sound good to me but I like a more right forward class. The Warrior clergyman is what I'm leaning toward. Have fun with Warhammer Online and happy gaming!

Warhammer Online Empire Classes

Monday, May 23, 2011

How to Get Gold in Warhammer Online

Warhammer Online is a fairly new game. And just like any new game, cheaper is still unstable. There is a great inquire for equipments, weapons, accessories and other materials that will help in leveling up. Having those things would be so difficult inspecting that not so many habitancy are willing to sell their equipments if they find one. This is a great time to have lots of gold, but how? conferrence gold would be difficult if one doesn't know the best place to get them. The forum is unmistakably not a good idea.

Players are still conferrence information for their own strategy and if they do have information, most of them will either keep it to themselves or won't have enough time to write it in the forum because they're still busy leveling. Well, there's the internet. There are wikis about anyone in the internet but because the game is new, information there would be so limited. There's one more option. There are websites that offer online guides on how to make gold in Warhammer online. These websites are dissimilar from the conventional wikis because they unmistakably focus on getting information that is practicable in the game. The guides are dependable because they're tested and proven.


Gold is foremost in any Mmorpg game. One can advance in leveling faster if he has much online gold. Faster leveling requires the right equipment, right weapon, many consumables like condition potions, attribute enhancers, projectiles and other materials that should be bought from Npc's or other players. One can level up faster if hew has stronger weapon, greater defense from armors and equipments and enhancers that increases the character's abilities. All of these things are bought so the player should have enough gold to survive.

Gold can be acquired from monsters, quests, and other players. In order to get gold from monsters, the player should have knowledge about the maps where monsters with high drop rates are located. The guide will not only tell the player where to go but also all the things he needs to prepare and what to expect once in the given location. Quests may also yield gold but some quests, especially those that yield much gold, are applicable only to high level characters. The same is true with selling items for gold. Those items that command higher gold value are obtainable only by high level characters. Power leveling is therefore very important. Having a guide for gold hunting, farming, crafting and quests are needful for those who want to start it out right.

Warhammer is a much foreseen, game and many players want to have the early edge. That would be difficult to do without a guide. Learning the game play and formulating strategies is a tedious task for beginners. Any help is a welcome occasion to start strong and well ahead of others. An online guide would be a good place to start. It won't hurt other players if one player would have ready instruction. The battlefield is fair and square but having much best tool and strategy will just give a player a best chance.

How to Get Gold in Warhammer Online

Sunday, May 22, 2011

What is the Best Way to Make Gold in the New Warhammer Online Game?

Warhammer online is one of the most imaginable Mmorpg this year. Now that it has ultimately arrived, there will be an influx of player demanding for guides or any schooling materials just as long as they survive the grueling first few days of playing. Among those who will be looking for guides are the gold hunters, farmers, miners or any way they are called. These players know that gold in any massively multiplayer online role-playing game is extremely important especially while the grinding days.

Equipments, weapons, potions, enhancers and many other items that are crucial to the first few days of playing are all sold in gold. Any one who wants to make their starting journey easier will have to find ways to make gold easier. Many would try the forums. They would ask other players for guides. But who would give out guides this early in the game? The game is not called Warhammer for nothing.


There is a war raging out there and it's alternatively called "player versus player." Players are battling it out for the top position. This war is not for the kind-hearted. It's a battle of the fittest and the weaker ones will succumb. Those players who are giving out facts are either tired or bored of playing. Who would get bored of this appealing game in its early stage?

In order to at least survive the war in Warhammer Online, a player needs to have the right gears. These gears are sold in gold so the player ultimately needs gold in order to survive and more gold to make it on the top. There are many ways to have gold in Warhammer Online. Since this is a massively multiplayer online game, it is probable that it will have the same basic system of making gold. There's the farming wherein players kill monsters and loot everything that the monster drops and sell those things to buy and sell Npc's or other players if the item has higher value.

The question is there are supposed to be monsters that drop items with higher value at higher drop rate. It would take a lot of time till man finds out the drop rate because one has to kill valuable whole of monster to prove the drop rate of an item below 10%. Drop rate of rare items are considerably lower than that. Fortunately, there are online guides that contains drop rates and map locations of monsters that drop rare items. The guides can also supply help in making gold quests and many other tips in making gold faster and easier. Survival would be much easier when a player uses an online guide.

Mmorpg demands knowledge and expertise for survival. For a new game like Warhammer Online, knowledge is not cheap. They're not given free. One has to exert adequate attempt in conference facts and a lot of time proving them. Fast and easy facts are available in online guides. It's just waiting for man who would try it and make the difference.

What is the Best Way to Make Gold in the New Warhammer Online Game?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Warhammer Online Dwarfs - Dwarf Classes

The Warhammer Online dwarfs are the classic D&D fantasy type. They are stubborn, strong willed, industrious, and at times quite disagreeable. A dwarf rarely forgets a grudge and the race is plainly drawn to war.

The dwarfs in Warhammer Online can select from three classes, Ironbreaker, Rune Priest, and Engineer.


The Ironbreaker is the tank class specializing in heavy armor, large shields, and one handed weapons. Playing as an Ironbreaker your goal is to control hate and keep the enemies focused on you. As you take damage and deal it mobs will further their focus on you holding your team out of danger.

Rune Priest, while not magic users, do possess considerable runes grant buffing and de-buffing abilities. There are some paths of specialization you can go down, ranging from more considerable singular runes, to broader less potent runes. The Rune priest can convert the flow of battle with well timed runes but to do this establishment is the key. Since you specialize in buffs you won't have to plainly sit and monitor health levels, you use your runes then you could hop into battle. Rune Priests wear a respectable medium armor and use staffs, de-buff your enemies and pick them off.

The third Warhammer Online dwarf class is the Engineer. Dwarfs in many fantasy series have been depicted as master craftsman and inventors, and In Warhammer this is that class. The Engineer is armed heavily with bombs, grenades, guns, and a few close range weapons. Engineers are a damage class that is ideal at a medium range. With all this heavy tool to carry light armor will be all that is available to the Engineer.

Warhammer Online Dwarfs have three very different classes to select from. The Ironbreaker is the most heavily armored unit on the Order side so they will be in high demand. Plus who doesn't like dwarfs; they are short, mean and commonly have a fierce drinking problem, what's not to love.

Warhammer Online Dwarfs - Dwarf Classes

Friday, May 20, 2011

Top War Online Weapons Guide - Warhammer Online Strategies and Leveling Guides

There is a saying that a weapon is only as good as its wielder. This might be true in the real world, but in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, the weapons are as worthy as the one who wields them. The Top War Online weapons Guide are not created to be flashy. Instead, they are practical, brutal, and very, very effective.

Before I give you the weapons in the Warhammer world, let me tell you first about a few exact things that you need to know about them. They are the following:


Weapons are divided into varying categories. Experience is needed to use some weapons.
A player's stats and the weapon's stats should match for a player to be able to use the weapon.
Warhammer weapons are exact to a unavoidable army or race. A Greenskin cannot use a weapon made for High Elves and vice versa.

Now that we've covered that, I will tell you about the 12 distinct weapon types in the Warhammer world. They can be divided into four categories depending on how they are used and their characteristics.The first type is for weapons that are used basically to crush. Warhammer weapons in this type include:

Swords - made to slash and hack enemies, with the supplementary value of being easy to learn to use.

Hammers - weapons used to cause very heavy damage through crushing force, hammers can be used by Dwarves and Humans.

Maces - a cross between axes and hammers, maces are short weapons that have heavy ends used to crush or puncture your enemy. Marauders use maces, most of the time.

Axes - like hammers, axes are made to crush, with the added damage of slicing into your enemy. Dwarves commonly wield axes, but other races, such as Greenskins and High Elves can use them, too.

The second type is for Warhammer weapons that are pointed at the end, and still very deadly. Examples are:

Daggers - these weapons have the benefit of being small and absolutely concealable. Witch Elves in general use daggers.

Spears - a great melee weapon, spears allow you to strike without getting near your opponent. Squig Herders commonly use spears.

Choppas - a weapon made of metal and wood that form a death stick, choppas appear crude, but they are deadly slicing and crushing weapons. Only Greenskins can use them.

Staves - similar to spears, staves are basically staffs that magic users wield. Staves boost magic and are great melee weapons.

Halberds - These kinds of Top War Online weapons Guide are long with a huge blade in the end. Used like a sword and staff at the same time, halberds are very perilous and sufficient weapons.

The last type is for ranged weapons such as:

Bows - can cause damage from a distance. High Elves in general use them.

Grenades - a surprisingly nice addition to weapons in the Warhammer world (other Mmos don't have them) grenades are used by Dwarves, causing huge damage at every use.

Pistols - great for close range fighting. Mostly used by Humans and Dwarves.
Rifles - long range weapons that can stop an enemy before he or she even gets near you.

So remember these weapon types so that you will be good armed (and protected!) while battling it out in the Warhammer world. Only good can come from this knowledge!

Do you want to start out one step ahead of everybody else in Warhammer Online and all the time keep it that way?

Top War Online Weapons Guide - Warhammer Online Strategies and Leveling Guides

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Warhammer Online Hack - manufacture the Most of the World Wide Web For Advancement

Don't think that Warhammer Online is just going to be a battle in the middle of good and evil. It's definitely more than that. There are a lot of fights that you have to win, and you have the realm to protect. You also need to think of how to strengthen your career, so you can be a great addition to the team.

Perhaps to speed up everything you need to get some Warhammer hacks. Fortunately, you don't need to scour for them for a very long time. Today, you can already look for a Warhammer Online hack right at the World Wide Web. Here's how:


1. Join message boards and groups. There are already countless forums that are dedicated to Warhammer Online. They are composed of hard-core players and beginners who transfer ideas and tips on how to win battles and defeat enemies. You can literally find threads and posts that talk about Warhammer hacks.

2. Check out game cheats websites. There are also abundance of websites that are currently gift separate game cheats for free. Considering that there is a huge ask of Warhammer Online today, most likely, you can already find a amount of Warhammer hacks in here. You may have to sign up, though, as these cheats are exclusive to members only.

3. Get yourself some Warhammer guides. You can buy them, or you can ask for them from person who has. Needless to say, though, these Warhammer guides don't only give you tips and tactics to growth your ranks or to survey shortcuts during your play, but they can also offer cheats and hacks to speed up the game and win more fights.

Indeed, these hacks will give you more reckon to come to be more definite in playing the game, but if you literally want to learn and make the game even more challenging, make these cheats your last option.

Warhammer Online Hack - manufacture the Most of the World Wide Web For Advancement

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Top Warhammer Online Magus Guide - Warhammer Online Magus Characters, Strategy & Leveling Guides

In Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, there are two armies of war: the Armies of Order and the Armies of Destruction. Under the Armies of destruction, we shall find the Chaos army. The chaos army are careful servants to the gods of war and chaos and they are steadfast in their goal to wreck havoc and chaos in the Warhammer Universe. The Chaos army has four career options and one of these is the Magus. A estimate of gamers have constructed Warhammer Online Magus guides to help out newbies and other players in trying to both play as and fight against the Magus.

Kaltira the Daemoncaller has described the Magus as "an army of insanity and terror." Also called Tzeentch's Magus, they are servants of the Raven God. The Magus is best known for its capability to summon the demons. Unlike those who are not skilled in this particular craft, the Magus has enough power to make sure the demon works for his purpose: killing the Magus's enemy.


Under the Warhammer Online Magus guide, their strengths and weaknesses are listed. Compared to the other career options, the Magus's request for retrial lies in its capability to summon the demons. This is because summoning demons does not end with calling them forth onto the battlefield. The demons are such creatures of chaos and dark nightmares that the mere act of calling them can prove to be perilous even to the player who summons them. There is a chance that the summoned demon will destroy not just the enemies of the summoner but also the summoner himself. This is where the Magus's impel lies: he has the power to operate his summoning powers in a way that he is determined that the demon will yield authentically to his power.

The Magus wears light armor accented with elaborately designed robes. They carry nearby a staff which has been inscribed with Chaos Army symbols. The staff is very powerful. But more excellent than the staff is the Disc of Tzeentch.

The Disc of Tzeentch is a living platform which the Magus is tied to and he is controlled by this disc. However, this Disc of Tzeentch is also identified as one of the Magus's specialties. Someone else power of the Magus is the Aethyr. To use this power, the Magus must order the mountain to use its own strong powers and all the while, the Magus casts his spells from the peak of the mount.

When playing as a Magus, you must have a unique mastery of the use of the Disc of Tzeentch as this is your prime specialty. Once you have gotten the hang of using this disc, then controlling and playing as the Magus will be a piece of cake for you. On the other hand, when you are playing against a Magus, you have to remember that the Magus has his own weaknesses. Treat them as you would treat your quarterly opponents who are capable of inflicting great damage. Look for their levels of fragility. It is also useful to know of the top Warhammer Online Magus guide to help you with your game.

Top Warhammer Online Magus Guide - Warhammer Online Magus Characters, Strategy & Leveling Guides

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Warhammer Online Guides

Before I knew about Warhammer Online, I was of course into playing World of Warcraft. Thing is, I was good at it - but I wasn't Great at it. And with Mmorpgs, you of course want to be great at the game because the good you are and the faster you level up, the easier it will be to finish, and the more things you can do and enjoy.
Maybe that is not for everyone. I know a lot of population like the struggles of going straight through it on their own. But to me, I just don't feel the same way.

I'm not saying I like to look up every move, but I like having a guide next to me so that if I don't know where to go next, something is there to tell me. That's a big deal. It's like a dictionary while reading - yes, I read on my own and I generally know what every word means, but when I run into a snag I don't want to sit there and try to figure out the word in context - I want to have a dictionary handy so I can fast look up the word and move one.


So when I was playing WoW I bought a World of Warhammer Guide, and it was a ridiculously big help. I'm thinking now with Warhammer Online, I'll probably buy a Warhammer Online guide so that I don't have to wait, get stuck, and finish the game after most of my friends.

Warhammer Online Guides

Monday, May 16, 2011

extreme War Online Witch Elf Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online Witch Elves Guides

Witch Elf are from House Uthorin Class, primary type of combat Dps and normally light armored. Their character is only minute to female dark elves. They are paired with Witch Hunter who runs after their lives. Hellebron lead the witch elves population but many of the still regards loyalty to Morathi. The Druchii community considers witch elves to possess one among the most great positions. Cauldrons of Blood are tasked to be filled up by witch elves with fresh flowing bloods of victims made to reduce their lives. Avid gamers have constructed War or Warhammer Online witch elf guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.

Core Abilities


1. First Level

2. Slice

3. Throwing dagger

4. Flee

5. Second Level

6. Puncture

7. Third Level

8. Envenomed Blade

9. Fourth Level

10. Kiss of Agony

11. Fifth Level

12. Agonizing wound

13. Sixth Level

14. Heart Render Toxin

Career Overview

They are considered to be a force of death which is very unstoppable and causes widespread damage and destruction under usual circumstances. Witch elves form a cadre along with the army when dark elves make their way into a war trying to make their name before the eyes of the known god of their population. Witch Elf treats the field of combat as a place comparable to temple of Khaine. For them, the agony and cries of the victims seems to be praises are songs of honor by blood-handed god. Their targets should be considered picked which will whole to their victory in a short period of time. They naturally rely on agility for survival if they are faced with foes that are heavily armored giving an eye to a single moment to cause death to his opponent. Lots of data are outlined in War or warhammer online witch elves guide.


They are female dark elves who are light armored, battle crazed, with swift movements that makes use lots of attack styles in accordance to position principle, frenzied attacks with flurry, and spit out poisons on their daggers that is very effective in affliction of damage and destruction to their foes. They level up into a high pace of bloodlust when their frenzy attack works giving them the power to embark on lethal attacks which could lanch staunchest moves and defenses.

Witch Elf Masteries

Path of Carnage

It focuses on a single and sole target with their outstanding and high range Dps abilities. When one chooses to chase this kind of path, he will see momentous destruction dealing with bolstered capabilities which will give them ease in erasing their opponents. This path adds up a flurry ability that is of high level. It also struggle with manifold targets at a time.

Path of Suffering

It is considered to be the path known because of its dexterity. This path focuses on the kiss of poison which is mixed by time over damage with ability to rebuff. These rebuffs causes' foes to be at slow pace and be drain out their operation points and wound decrease with DoT effect.

Path of Treachery

This path focuses greatly on subtlety and stealth of Witch Elf power. It greatly improves their abilities which also furnish bonuses. Having a War or Warhammer Online witch elf guide will help you drastically enhance your game.

extreme War Online Witch Elf Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online Witch Elves Guides

Sunday, May 15, 2011

How to Make Fast Warhammer 40k Barricades

In every battle or every war nothing is more prominent than life or rescue your life. You have to find a quick cover or something where you can hide your self. This process is also be a challenge during battle in Wargaming. Not just in real life situations but also in Warhammer gaming.

Instead of seeing quick cover where there is a slim chance that you can escape the enemy or avoid the attacks that will be brought to you, why not throw up a or build a few fast barricades to ward or block off some of the incoming enemies. While having a barrier you can think of ideas of how to counter the attacks of your enemies.
For this article you will find and learn tips and tricks on how to make fast and efficient warhammer 40k barricades and ideas for dissimilar cover terrain.


Materials to be used:

polystyrene (Styrofoam)



Barricade 1 concrete and rebar/corrugated metal scraps

For this step you will need a piece of polystyrene (Styrofoam) and cardboard (ie. From a pizza box)

Simply shape and cut your Styrofoam into any small shape you can think of. This includes cinder blocks, rebar (made from wires), scratch the Styrofoam with a utility knife, bust out chunks to look as if explosions, basically your finished stock will look as if a pile of random debris all piled together into one lump.

After you finally piled together the debris of the Styrofoam,base coat it with an acrylic black for the concrete parts of the debris. Afterwards dry brush it heavily with codex gray. Then lightly dry brush it with skull white.

For the corrugated metal parts, apply blood red paints and then dry brush it with graveyard earth, then finally dry brush with bolt metal gun

Barricade 2 Rusted metal pipes

For the metal pipes it is self-acting the we use bendy straws, so grab a stack of plastic bendy straws. Cut them up into various sizes or anyone size that comes up to to your mind then glue them together. Once their were glued together already base coat the straws with acrylic black paint. Next, paint on blood red, ad then dry brush it with graveyard earth, and lightly dry brush with bolt metal gun.

Barricade 3 Corrugated Metal bunker

When creating a corrugated sidings using a cardboard, simply tear the cardboard apart so that you can see its corrugated part inside. This process is simply constructed using a cardboard and popsicles sticks. simply glue together a rectangular shaped bunker with the Popsicle sticks as framing and the cardboard as the outside simply because of its corrugated part. Base coat it with acrylic black, for rust effects paint it with blood red, then dry brush with graveyard earth, and then finally apply a dry brush coat of bolt metal gun. You should make the windows fit the height of the guns or weapons that fit your army. To perform an benefit during gameplay you should not glue the roof, it should be detachable, this is very helpful during gametime. And that's it, you have now your metal bunker with a barricade.

Hope you have enjoyed some basic barricades and ideas for cover terrain.

How to Make Fast Warhammer 40k Barricades

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Top Warhammer Guide - Warhammer Online Apothecary Strategy & Leveling Guides

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is the hottest massively multiplayer online role playing games (Mmorpg) to hit the shop recently. Whether you are easily new to the Mmorpg caress and have just happened to try Warhammer Online and found yourself addicted, or if you are an experienced gamer who is looking for an additional one game to conquer, this is the excellent game for you. You will find yourself wanting to level up as fast as inherent so that you can enjoy more of the quests and battles that the game offers. And the best way to do this is to make sure that you are always adequate with potions that would heal your injuries or increase your compel and armor. Warhammer Online offers a unique way for you to get these potions and it is through the warhammer online apothecary strategy & leveling guides. Now, don't think that this is just like the other crafting techniques in other Mmorpgs. The game easily has a trick up its sleeve that would surprise and challenge even the most experienced gamer. This is because to create an item through the warhammer online apothecary strategy & leveling guides, no recipes are required. Instead, sheer luck and daring is needed.

How does it work? Well, before we go to that, let's look at what you need to make your potion. These are the following:


* A package - also called a vial, this is where your ingredients for the potion will be placed. Containers can be bought from merchants or obtained from quests.

* A main ingredient - this decides what kind of potion you will create. Also available through merchants, quests, and other conference methods.

* Other ingredients - there are three types, the first being those that increase the period of your potion, second are those that extend the amount of potions made from one set of materials, and third are those that stabilize the potion.

Now, the warhammer online apothecary strategy & leveling guides will allow you to pick a main ingredient and other ingredients from your item list. You just need put them in the container. Once you do so, a message will show Whether your method will be a success or not. To ensure the success of your recipe, you might want to use a stabilizer which comes in the form of "waters." You can add in separate ingredients in order to make a potion with separate attributes (ex. increase potion duration).

What you just need to keep in mind is that when using the warhammer online apothecary strategy & leveling guides, Containers and ingredients will show the required levels for you to be able to use them. If you haven't achieved that level yet, some items cannot be used. Since there are no set recipes, and one ingredient can be as good or worse than the next, you easily just need to have fun with the Apothecary and you might find yourself rewarded with a badass potion with awesome attributes. Experimentation is key with the warhammer online apothecary strategy & leveling guides and it would easily bring out the gambler or risk taker in you!

Top Warhammer Guide - Warhammer Online Apothecary Strategy & Leveling Guides

Friday, May 13, 2011

Warhammer Armies - development and Magnetizing Movement Trays

Most Warhammer armies are composed of units that field in formation - so many models wide, so many deep. It is favorable to put your army on appropriately sized movement trays so you can move the whole unit together. This makes play move faster and will also make your army look much better. When doing this, you need to reconsider the playability, your strategy, and the actual mechanics of basing.

The first thing you'll need to do is choose the size of movement trays you need. This will depend on your Warhammer Army, and your playing style. Games Workshop provides some trays that are of common sizes, but for mostly smaller units. 1x5 for cavalry, 5x4 and a join smaller sizes for infantry. Many players are trying to mass units at least 10 wide now - this allows them to advantage from the Hordes rule which in the new Warhammer rules gives them an extra fighting rank. However, big units are expensive, and you loose flexibility. You need to move in formation and it gets in effect hard to move a big unit like this colse to a busy table. And, a large unit like this can limit the amount of units you have and leave you unable to cover all the threats you'll face on the battlefield. So, there are important trade-offs. For my large I'm sticking with 6x5. This is traditional, but very tried and tested.


I think the mechanics are a bit easier to understand. The movement tray needs to be of the accurate size; it needs to be rigid; it must be easy to pick-up; and the units must stay on it. The trick to retention the models on the tray is to magnetize the bases of the models and to use something that magnets will stick to on the movement tray. I chose to use washers, rare-earth magnets, Gale Force 9 mettalic rubber sheets, and Citadel's modular movement trays. The movement tray has two rigid plastic sheets that are already marked for the allowable base sizes so it's easy to quantum the movement trays to the desired size. The rubber steel sheets are flexible and have self adhesive production it easy to attach the sheets. I cut the plastic sheets with the rotary cutter on my Dremel. Then I traced and cut a steel sheet out of the right size, adhered it to the plastic sheet, and then trimmed it to match. I used #8 washers and 1/16th inch thick disk magnets because combined, they are close to the exact depth of the Games Workshop bases. The closer to the metallic sheet, the better the magnets will stick, so this is important. You want the magnet flush to the lowest of the base, if you can. Then, all I did was super glue (cyanoacrylate) the washer in place, and then the magnet. I used Insta-set accelerator on the glue to make it go faster.

The ensue is a movement tray that can even turn over and the models will stay on. This in effect helps game play!

Warhammer Armies - development and Magnetizing Movement Trays

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Warhammer Scenarios

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is arrival soon and with all the hype, I know many of you are searching for data about the game to help rule if it's for you.

I would like to talk about Warhammer Online scenarios. These were new to me so I will try to by comparison them to every person who hasn't had the chance to play the game yet.


Warhammer Online scenarios are instances created for the sole purpose of RvR. As early as level 2, you will receive a quest to faultless a scenario. You have to enter a queue for the scenario by clicking on the Warhammer icon on your radar. You will automatically be queued in the approved scenario for your level and area. There are separate scenarios for each race blend and tier. For instance once you reach level 12, you will no longer be able to join the first tier scenarios. And even if you are a high elf, if you have traveled in to the lands of the dwarves, you will enter the dwarf-greenskin scenario.

The Warhammer scenarios are people controlled. It seems to be in the middle of two and three groups of players, possibly depending on how many are in the queue. And players are grouped automatically as they join the scenario so no time is wasted seeing for a group. Your level is also boosted to the 8 of that tier so you can better compete against higher levels. For instance, in the second tier scenario, a level 12 would be boosted to level 18, at least as far as hit points and quality to hit are concerned. Adequate armor and trained abilities are not improved.

Each scenario has a goal, a scoreboard, and a timer. The longest timer I have seen so far has been 15 minutes, but I have seen the score maxed out and the scenario completed in as small as 5 minutes. Points are gained by completing goals or killing enemy players. The goals vary in the middle of captureable posts requiring a click or characters to stay in close nearnessy while holding the enemies away to some that were more like tag.

The tag scenario was especially fun because a player picks up the 'pacifier' and every person in the instance is notified that "Joe has the pacifier." So guess who the enemy is seeing for . . . At this point, Joe is the target and every person else in Joe's realm should be trying to protect him and deflect the enemy. Joe's plan should be to run around the zone to the three targets and click on each one in turn. Once this is completed, Joe's team scores points and the pacifier is reset. If Joe is killed, the pacifier is dropped and can be picked up but only if its picked up quickly. Otherwise it resets and the whole process begins again.

Completing the scenario will give the winning side bonus renown points. Your character will be returned to the exact spot you were in when you joined and you can immediately enter the queue to repeat the scenario. The average wait time in the middle of scenarios during the preview weekend was 10-15 minutes. This means you have plenty of time to faultless quests while you wait to be portable back in to RvR.

I have heard many say you can level on scenarios, but I wouldn't absolutely propose it because it would be absolutely slow. I would say you should level up and queue yourself up for scenarios when you are ready to commit at least 15 minutes of your full attention to the game. It's not the kind of thing you want to do while you are cooking dinner. I would propose trying to keep your renown level as close to your actual level as you can and training these renown points as you get them. You can use all the help you can get. Plus, once you reach level 10, 20, or so on, you can visit a contested keep and buy armor for the next tier. It is absolutely good stuff but it does have a minimum renown rank to equip. So for a new character, you want to save up at least 1gp and be renown rank 6 by level 10 so you can buy your better gear. It will make a big difference!

Warhammer Scenarios

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Warhammer 40k - The Back Story Behind the Emperor Every Player Should Know

The Warhammer 40K tabletop game has created a vast universe of its own. Its characters and machinery have been manufacture waves for many years now but not many population know about the back-story of Warhammer 40,000.

The back-story of Warhammer 40k is scattered all over its rule books, the White Dwarft magazine and the Imperial Armour novels from Black Library. Black Library is Games Workshop's publishing arm which provides the history of the singular units in the 40k tabletop game.


The insights on the history of the Imperium of Man and its enemies prove to be lively for both new players and experts alike. Here is a quick 5 miniature introduction to the story behind the Warhammer 40K tabletop game:

The storyline begins when the Emperor liberated humanity from their suffering during the Dark Age of Technology, also known as the Age of Strife. The emperor reunited human colonies all over the Milky Way and created the greatest empire mankind has ever known: the Imperium of Man.

The Emperor is also an excellent psychic, and he uses his powers to guide the interstellar mutant navigators straight through their space travel. Other psychics who do not know how to use their powers are often sacrificed in order to empower the emperor's abilities.

However, the world of Warhammer 40k is never safe from the enemies of the emperor and humanity. Space travelers are often vulnerable to the demons of Chaos and, therefore, come to be possessed and in turn themselves wage wars on the Imperium.

To solve these problems, the emperor created Primarchs that would supposedly lead legions of Space Marines, the superhuman defenders of the human race, in the fight against the emperor's enemies. However, even before the Primarchs were "born", the demons of Chaos took them and scattered them all over the galaxy, and thus began the Great Crusade. during the Great Crusade, the Emperor himself, lead the Space Marines in their quest to liberate more worlds for humans and find the lost Primarchs.

One by one the Primarchs whom the Emperor found returned on the Imperium's side. One Primarch, however, by the name of Horus, got possessed by the demons of Chaos and lead 4 other Primarchs on a battle against the Imperium.

Fortunately, the Emperor and his best army fought and killed Horus. However, as a result, the emperor's mortal body was shattered. Now, the emperor's body resides inside the Golden Throne which protects it from adversaries while it guides the navigators straight through interstellar travels.

The 40K tabletop game is based on the idea that space battles are permanently drawn in the middle of the Empire and the alien invaders: the Orks, the Eldar, and the Chaotic demons to name a few. The 40k tabletop represents the battlefield in space where these alien armies wage war against the Space Marines and the Imperial Guard, the largest army in existence with billions of soldiers strong. The Warhammer 40K tabletop game allows you to build your own miniature army of whatever race you want and join this epic interstellar battle.

Warhammer 40k - The Back Story Behind the Emperor Every Player Should Know

Monday, May 9, 2011

Introduction to Warhammer Tradeskills

Warhammer Online is set to publish on the 18th of September will have be retaining a very similar tradeskill profession such as the older massively multiplayer online role playing games. In World of Warcraft, convention professions were first introduced but now Warhammer now currently has more convention tradeskills than crafting. There are currently 4 convention skills and only 2 crafting skills. The 4 convention skill consists of cultivating, magical salvaging, butchering and scavenging. The 2 crafting profession currently available is apothecary and talisman making.

The cultivating tradeskill in War allows the player to grow their own weeds and fungi which are used by the apothecary for ingredients. Cultivating requires seeds and spores that can be otained from monsters, scavenging and from most merchants in cities and towns. A pot is needed as well obviously. To get best results from cultivating, you can add soil, water and nutrients. The best you treat your plant, the best your plant will treat you.


The magical salvaging tradeskill in War is the potential to break magical items into small magical fragments. These magical items can be obtained from PvE, RvR, quests and range of other places. When salvaging an item, you can select the type of stats to extract from that item. Along with the fragments you will also get what is known as essences. Both fragments and essences are used to make Talismans.

The last 2 convention trade skills in War is butchering and scavenging. They are very similar in many ways, both skills are used to gain resources from a dead mob that has already been wholly looted. Butchering is used on non-sentient mobs while scavenging for the more socially active mob, in someone else words, beast or humanoids.

The apothecary trade skill uses ingredients found straight through cultivating and can turn them into potions, powders or lotions. It would be wise to be able to pair your characters or friends with distinct professions to gain the maximum benefits off each profession. There are many distinct type of potions and can furnish discrete abilities. Some can add very low stats but have long durations while someone else of the equivalent level have higher stats but shorter duration.

The talisman production profession hasn't been fully released yet but it allows you to originate talismans. Talismans are known as the minor items of power which can be attacked to definite armors, weapons and grants permanent bonuses to that item. Only rate and great items are able to have talismans located onto them. To originate a talisman, you will need a contain along with the magical fragments and essences received from a player with the magical salvaging profession.

Every profession will yield its benefits. convention professions are best while the beginning of the game since you do not have any resources to craft nor yet may want to spend that gold to level up your crafting. A convention profession can certainly reap its recompense early. The crafting skill may be what you prefer mid to end game when you have all the resources at your hand. Whichever profession you should decree to go with, it's always best to pick one up early on the game. You can learn these trade skills from a educator as early as the second lesson of each faction.

Introduction to Warhammer Tradeskills

Sunday, May 8, 2011

How to Use and setup Warhammer Online Add ons

Warhammer Online add ons and macros are a great theory that was industrialized to enhance a player's usability. With add ons and mods they can customize their entire interface just the way they like it. It can even add additional features that Ea Mythic did not create. A player can customize their user interface to their own preference.

Warhammer Online add ons are often mistaken as hacks and cheats but they are literally not. They are literally fully supported by the publishers. Ea Mythic created an Api theory which allows for players to build add ons. A player with some knowledge of programming can literally create their own add on and customize all of their user interface as well as other parts of the game. Even without any knowledge of the Api or programming, a player can still literally take benefit of add ons already created and use them like they were their own.


To setup an add on you've downloaded, all you naturally need to do is navigate to your Warhammer briefcase which by default is placed at C:program filesElectronic ArtsWarhammer. Once there you may need to create an interface briefcase followed by an add on s briefcase inside the interface folder. If these directories are already created then you do not need to worry. The add on files you've downloaded are usually in a zip or rar format. If this is the case, you'll need to download Winzip or Winrar to extract the traditional files. Once that is done, just copy your add on you've downloaded into your add on s folder.

Once you start the game your add on s will be active. Beware when downloading an add on that requires you to run the file. There is never an add on in .exe format. These are usually viruses and Trojans used to steal your Warhammer Online catalogue and password. Also note that some add on s may be out of date due patches released by Ea Mythic. Always make sure you have the most up to date version of the add on you are using. Another thing to remember is that some add on s may have special slash commands that can be used in the game chat interface. You will need to refer to the by hand of your add on for more information.

There are over thousands of add on s already created that players can use. Some favorite ones are map mods. You can find locations of mobs, items, a loot table, quest locations, Npcs and much more. Auctioneer is also Another favorite add on which records and analyzes data from the auction house. It keeps track of every item sold in, the price it went for, the average price, the minimum price, the maximum price and much more. There are also many great mods to help RvR and PvE battles.

Damage meters are great to help portion the whole of threat generated on a mob. This helps keeps aggro on the tank. Every player is required to synchronize their meter together in order to determine how much threat is being generated and passed around. Healers and high damage dealers will need to watch this meter to make sure they do not pass the tanks threat towards a mob.

There are also many small Warhammer add ons that can be extremely helpful. Some add on s may tell you when your morale bar is full and ready to be used or when an potential becomes available after a cool down. Some add ons even gives you a signal or notifies you that your condition bar is low or your operation bar is low so that you can take operation to run, heal or anyone you think may be best for your situation.

If you have been playing the game for over 2 weeks and yet still have not installed an add on then you are naturally missing out on cool features that will make your life easier. From over thousands of add ons and mods to choose from, I'm sure there is at least 5 that will suit you and enhance your game play.

How to Use and setup Warhammer Online Add ons

Saturday, May 7, 2011

construction Warhammer 40k Terrain

In the world of the Warhammer 40k tabletop game, the most leading and most fun part of the hobby is construction your army.  construction your army takes time, patience, and most of all - creativity.  But the fun doesn't stop at construction your army.  The next step after construction your army is to jump into the equally entertaining and rewarding world of construction Warhammer 40k terrain.

While there are ready-made terrain options now available from Games Workshop, most players opt to originate their own terrain because it is more fun, and can be more cost-efficient.  construction your own terrain can also add more depth and enjoyment to the hobby and make your miniatures look much good in a setting that is made to their scale.


There is nothing quite as impressive as a well painted army proudly displayed on a detailed terrain table.  If you are a do-it-yourself type person, you can compose the whole terrain from items you can find around the house and at your local hardware store.  With a miniature bit of imagination, some wood, a bit of cardboard, some sand and some foam board you can originate many spectacular terrain pieces on a very tight budget.

Another selection is to build the terrain table itself which acts as the base for the battle scenes, but then to compliment the terrain with pre-made items from Games Workshop, such as walls, ruined buildings, statues, cathedrals and other items available from Games Workshop.

In the Warhammer 40k game rules, terrain isn't just used for embellishment either.  The models which do battle on a terrain board very much interact with the terrain and use it as part of their battle strategy.  Terrain can be used as cover against enemy attacks, to block your opponents shots as well as to contribute a strategic advantage.

There are many different ways to build terrain and probably one of the best is to build a flat-style terrain which then allows you to lay modular pieces on top of it to form different scenarios and battle scenes for your battles.

You can use the Warhammer 40k lore and history found in the army Codexes, White Dwarf Magazine and other Warhammer 40k books as inspiration for construction terrain ready to re-enact paramount battles.

construction Warhammer 40k Terrain

Friday, May 6, 2011

Warhammer 40K Miniatures & activity Figures

Warhammer 40K, or Warhammer 40,000, is a popular game that is enjoyed by many of citizen around the world. It was created in 1988 and is currently in it's fifth edition. The game is a popular dinky table top game where players can pick the situation and battle rules, and embark on in a battle of their choosing. This game is highly popular and puts it's components together to generate a game of skill and edge, that millions of citizen have enjoyed since it's release. The game is played when opponents bring miniatures to the table, resembling creatures, warriors, weapons, and vehicles of war. These miniatures are hand crafted and hand painted, with just mounting and a lot of skill is needed to make them. They are delicately made and are beautiful pieces, that are popular and are bought for need of playing the game.

Each dinky is very creative, all of them being unique to the others and having special elements added to them. They are all made pain free by hand, and are collectors items as well. Used to play Warhammer, they are useful to play the game and are beautiful collectors items. Each and every dinky individually requires hand-operated painting, and every step of creating them is hand done and is beautiful to look at. There are many dissimilar kinds of Warhammer miniatures, and there are many dissimilar categories to pick from. All of them are good for your advancement in a game, and you can play them how you pick to gain success and to win your game.


The more miniatures you have, then the great you are going to be able to win your games. Each one you buy is another weapon in your arsenal, literally! These items are beautiful, useful, and a great advancement. It can help you come to be more prosperous when you play your games, and you are going to be able to build your own army of more Warhammer miniatures. This game is popular to play, and the pieces are truly collectors items that are uniquely crafted and are great to have to use in combat!

Warhammer 40K Miniatures & activity Figures

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Top Warhammer Online Empire Guide - Warhammer Online Empire Characters, Strategy, and Leveling Guide

The Warhammer Online Empire Army is recognized as the biggest civilization of humans in the Old World, and they are also known as the Order of the Griffon. Their leader is the Emperor himself, Karl Franz. Their founding emperor, however, is Sigmar. Compared to the Dwarfs, the Warhammer Empire Army is not as skilled in craftsmanship. And compared with the High Elves, they do not have much magical abilities. Their impel lies in their civilization and the army is comprised of warriors and wizards as well as the priests of Sigmar (who is now a deity worshipped by the Empire). The Empire Army ordinarily fights against the Chaos Army. Take a look more into warhammer online empire leveling, characters, and strategy guides for other considerable tips to enhance your game play.

There are four occupation options ready to the Empire. These are the:
1. Sharp Wizard
2. Warrior Priest
3. Witch Hunter
4. Knight of the Blazing Sun


The Sharp Wizard occupation selection dabbles into the world of magic and fire. They use the wind of fire to kill enemies. Every Sharp Wizard must scholar the Seven Keys. The Seven Keys are legitimately reckless techniques and talismans. Every key has its own inescapable magic that the Sharp Wizard can use. There are also three occupation Masteries for the Sharp Wizard: Path Incineration (single-target spells), Path of Immolation (over-time damages), and Path of Conflagration (the power of fire and burning). Sharp wizards wear robes and carry staff which they use to cast spells. The second occupation selection for the Warhammer Empire Army is the Warrior priest which is an scholar in defensive battle in the name of faith. They are deemed as holy warriors. They have three occupation masteries: the Path of Salvation (which uses magic and has healing powers), the Path of Grace (focuses on melee attacks and battling enemies with their warhammers), and the Path of Wrath (focused on nasty attacks). Warrior Priests wear brest plates, vestments, and long roves. They carry warhammers.

The third occupation selection for the Empire is the Witch Hunter. They are the ones who look for and destroy enemies from the Chaos Army. They are best known for their speed and agility. Witch hunteres wear cloaks, hats, and tunics. They have light armors and they use pistols, torches, and swords. The fourth and last occupation selection is the Knight of the Blazing Sun. These knights belong to an order of templars who worship the Goddess of warfare. Knights of the Blazing Sun wear heavy armor plates with colorful, explain ornaments. They are sword-wielders and they have heavy-duty shields.

The Empire has its civilization modeled after medieval settings and is influenced greatly by religious conservatism, as is apparent in its warrior priests. At the start of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning, the Empire army fights against the destructive Chaos army which is under the Armies of Destruction. Also having a warhammer online empire character, strategy, and leveling guide will help you with your game.

Top Warhammer Online Empire Guide - Warhammer Online Empire Characters, Strategy, and Leveling Guide

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

ultimate War Scenarios and Basics Guide - Warhammer Strategies and Leveling Guide

As an online gamer, there is a must to know about the ultimate War scenarios and basics guide which is discussed below:



1.They are being compared to dungeons and instances as seen on some Mmorpg games. It is said the specified areas in the Warhammer world which operated on objectives such as the battlefields at the same time they are said to be matched evenly. Their locations are also specific to realm versus realm zones of every tier. They are said to be fast paced yet many of them are struggling and even running. For every launch, there are 30 scenarios specified. As the game progresses, there are more plans intended for the scenarios. Along with the planned patches and expansion, the payer could greatly expect more from these along in the special areas in the real versus realm areas and locations.

2.It must be take note that each scenario differs uniquely that comes along with set of rules that varies in respect to each scenario as well as the time limit, the amount of character and players from each specific side, the winning conditions, and more. When a single team wins a inevitable scenario, they are said to earn a maximum point numbers in a specific area. On the other hand, the losing team will earn points also.

3.Players need to put in into the waiting area or the lobby when a inevitable player gets in close range to a inevitable scenario in the realm versus realm zone. When both teams and groups are seen that seems to be evenly matched, both teams are paced along in the area, the scenario begins after which.

About Warhammer scenarios and basics of Warhammer Online

They are the following info which is enumerated below:-They ordinarily end 15 or 20 minutes after the said span of time.

-A 500 point scale is thought about to be their score range. The performance and act of specific things such as the killing of or slaying of enemies and foes which will eventually add a score point to the ream score of the player.

-The winner is thought about when they get to have majority of points after each of the scenario. The other way of telling who the winner is is determining whose team gets to get 500 points first.

-A special resurrection clock or timer is tasked to control the rate on how fast or how slow the player could be able to return unless a single member of the group resurrect in each scenario.Some of the scenarios are as follows:

1.High Pass Cemetery

2.Mourkain Temple

3.Blackfire Basin

4.Gates of Ekrund

5.Doomfist Crater

6.Maw of Madness

7.Stone Troll Crossing

8.Battle for Praag

9.Nordenwatch Scenario

10.Grovod Caverns

11.Talabec DamnScenario instances about the ultimate Warhammer scenarios and basics guide are entered by whichever line up via the scenario window in the user interface, or also by relating with the scenario entry in the relevant zone. If enough players from RvR have shaped for a scenario and its instances became ready the players are then movable from their gift location to the beginning area of the scenario.

ultimate War Scenarios and Basics Guide - Warhammer Strategies and Leveling Guide

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

extreme War Online Warrior minister Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online Warrior minister Guides

Warhammer Online warrior clergyman could be male or a female, who is a part of Griffon Army by the Emperor's order. Their occupation operates on the aggregate of terrific combat power and armors with hold range abilities, decent type that are capable of buffing allies and rebuffing enemies. Chaos is their enemies determined with the tireless type. They are empowered with their faith in God Sigmar and they are paired with Khaines Dark Elven Disciples. They are determined as the real front liners with concern for Order. As front liners, they serve while battle to soldiers that they are great inspirations who will march to form a great defense for the benefit of the Empire. They are not the real classical warriors at some point since some of their allies are the Ironbreakers and even the White Lions. Avid gamers have constructed War or Warhammer Online warrior clergyman guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.

They stand in square board to show off that their enemy has nothing to say win them but defeat for they are courageous sufficient to win the battle and least expects to be rewarded by his god Sigmar. They are said to be called upon to depict inspiration to their allies while at the same time giving their opponents a hard time for them to win against them. Lots of information are outlined in War or warhammer online warrior clergyman guide. They blow off military of destruction along with their holy weapons. They perform their task with great loyalty and zeal for the class truly knows that without their allegiance the Empire will positively be destroyed and unprotected.


1. Wave of Righteousness
2. Blast of Faith
3. Touch of the Divine
4. Attack
5. Weight of Guilt
6. Prayer of persisting Devotion
7. Righteous Blow
8. Sprint
9. Judgment
10. Rending Strike
11. Prayer of Absolution
12. Prayer of Burning Faith
13. Divine Aid
14. Armor of Faith
15. Breath of Sigmar

1. Blessing of Unending Might
2. Blessing of Restoration
3. Tiptoe of the Purposeful
4. Blessing of clarity N �����ัดเจน
5. Blessing of Protection
6. Insightful Mediator
7. Blessing of Strength
8. Blessing of Wrath
9. I Shall Not Fail
10. Sigmar's Shield

1. Twin-Tailed Fury
2. Do or Die
3. Cower, Ye Faithless
4. Divine Replenishment
5. Notice of D
6. Blessed Weapon
7. Sigmar's Wrath
8. Divine Aegis
9. Purgatory
10. Penance

Specialty :

When they enter the combat field, their first basic performance is to make use of performance points to perform their attacks and show enemies their outstanding abilities. They also have the ability to deal with reasonable destruction power with the use of these attacks and mostly act as catalyst of anger in a righteous was with their emperor-god. They both deal as well as they receive destruction while times of battle and they also build up pool of their righteous fury.

The righteous fury is an act wherein they are trying to call straight through their words for them to be granted with requisite strength, power of medical and benefits of morale into themselves as well as with their allies. They make other people gets inspired by their words and examples. Having a War or Warhammer Online warrior clergyman guide will help you drastically heighten your game.

extreme War Online Warrior minister Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online Warrior minister Guides

Monday, May 2, 2011

How to Make Warhammer Online Gold

Finding out how to make Warhammer gold is often a struggle. People say that in this game, wormer online, that gold pretty much falls from the sky. It feels that way sometimes, except other times when you find that you beyond doubt want to buy an important item, the cost is ridiculously expensive. Especially now after the server merges prices in the auction house has gone up skyrocketing, with many straightforward items unaffordable for most players. Just yesterday I saw a player as why rank 9 items cost over five gold! There's no logical surmise why items located as early as level Ix should cost over five gold. It plainly furnish and request unbranded with the server merges. Virtual price gouging in Warhammer online will make it very hard for you to make gold and beyond doubt hold onto it in your spending 10 gold just to buy potion.

It's much easier to make Warhammer Online when you know the secrets of the easiest ways to farm it. Sure, Warhammer online gold can be gotten plainly on the way by killing all the mobs indicate an occasional player in this scenario, and it might head up but now that all is so much more expensive the economy is out of whack. Selling items on the auction houses also doesn't work in normal unless you know how to game it. But that's very easy to do when you have a guide to how to make Warhammer online gold easily.


At first I wasn't sure if it was working that well and I posted a screenshot showing someone how many unique masks I had gotten from the witching hour event, along with a bunch of gold bag loot items in just a few hours. I post the screenshot and someone else on the forum pointed out that I had over 240 gold. I belief this was normal! I mean I admit that I had used some awesome tricks from the guide about how to get gold in Warhammer online but I wasn't sure if everyone knew them. Apparently not!

Anyway I very advise this book on how to get power level in Warhammer online and also to make tons of gold in the game. The most terrible thing to me was how they show you how to get epic set pieces very beyond doubt and how to roll and get high gift nearly every single time.

How to Make Warhammer Online Gold

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Warhammer spin

Well, the preview weekend is over and the open beta doesn't start until September 7th. That gives me time to tell you limited bit about Warhammer Online. I am excited about the impending issue and think Warhammer will be the next best thing.

The creators of Warhammer Online, Mythic Entertainment, have undoubtedly taken all they have learned from DaoC and obviously others in the Mmo genre and created a game with lots of appeal.


RvR was a trademark of Dark Age of Camelot and the theme is repeated again in Warhammer Online. There are three races on each side with an opposing race on the other side. There is a set of Order humans and Destruction Humans, the High Elves fight the Dark Elves and of procedure the Dwarves are out to eradicate the Greenskins (orcs and goblins). While these beginning areas are separated, the races soon spread out and it is easy to cross in to other races areas and join the fight there. By the end game, the racial fights will be blurred in to one big Order vs. Destruction brawl.

The RvR is imbedded in the game and available from the start. Scenarios can be joined and are basically instances for RvR and they vary by tier and race so you don't get bored with the same scenario over and over. Contested areas throughout the land furnish quests and RvR opportunities too. Both of these are level restricted so level 40s can't come in and take over the newbie area.

The group quest law is a good way to get great gear since gaining influence is guaranteed to get you your choice of two separate pieces of armor and a potion. Once the quest is completed, you can also roll for the big loot and see if the dice favor you. You can gain your choice of loot there from armor and weapons to crafting supplies and money.

It's hard to impart a complicated game like Warhammer Online in 500 words or less but I am excited about the upcoming issue and would urge everybody to get their copy today and get it installed and get ready for September 18th. War is coming!

Warhammer spin