Saturday, May 28, 2011

Warhammer Online Guide - fascinating Wizard Aoe Template

This Warhammer online build was based on the following guidelines:

- Had to be Aoe.
- Emphasis was on PvP.
- Personal protection and achievement is meaningless, as long as the team wins.


The sharp Wizard:

Prime stats: (In order of importance)

Intelligence = adds to magic damage in Warhammer online Wounds = adds to Hp in Warhammer online Willpower = adds to % to disrupt spells in Warhammer online

The 25 points will be located as follows: (There will be a few extra points gained through RvR rewards, however we will not use them here)

15 in "Conflagration"
Buy the following skills in the Conflagration tree for one point each:

Annihilate Fiery Reserves Spreading Flames Backdraft Conflagration of Doom

Skills in the tree you do not buy: "Explosive Force" and "Wildfire"

The last 5 points will be put in the "Incineration" tree. Any additional points should also be located in "Incineration", there is no theorize in Warhammer online to buy the bottom or second to the bottom skill in the tree.

80 RvR points to be located in:

Acumen level 1 = 1 point Acumen level 2 = 3 points Acumen level 3 = 6 points Acumen level 4 = 10 points Acumen level 5 = 14 points
Resolve level 1 = 1 point Resolve level 2 = 3 points Resolve level 3 = 6 points
Sage level 1 = 2 points Sage level 2 = 4 points
Focused Power level 1 = 5 points Focused Power level 2 = 10 points Focused Power level 3 = 15 points

The purpose of this build is to put out immense Aoe Dps.

Here are the planned active morale skills:

Level 1 = Mage Bolt Level 2 = Ruin and Destruction Level 3 = Scintillating power Level 4 = Conflagration of Doom

and the planned tactic slots:

Endless Knowledge Fan The Flames Fiery Reserves Devour Energy

Warhammer Online Guide - fascinating Wizard Aoe Template

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