Saturday, May 7, 2011

construction Warhammer 40k Terrain

In the world of the Warhammer 40k tabletop game, the most leading and most fun part of the hobby is construction your army.  construction your army takes time, patience, and most of all - creativity.  But the fun doesn't stop at construction your army.  The next step after construction your army is to jump into the equally entertaining and rewarding world of construction Warhammer 40k terrain.

While there are ready-made terrain options now available from Games Workshop, most players opt to originate their own terrain because it is more fun, and can be more cost-efficient.  construction your own terrain can also add more depth and enjoyment to the hobby and make your miniatures look much good in a setting that is made to their scale.


There is nothing quite as impressive as a well painted army proudly displayed on a detailed terrain table.  If you are a do-it-yourself type person, you can compose the whole terrain from items you can find around the house and at your local hardware store.  With a miniature bit of imagination, some wood, a bit of cardboard, some sand and some foam board you can originate many spectacular terrain pieces on a very tight budget.

Another selection is to build the terrain table itself which acts as the base for the battle scenes, but then to compliment the terrain with pre-made items from Games Workshop, such as walls, ruined buildings, statues, cathedrals and other items available from Games Workshop.

In the Warhammer 40k game rules, terrain isn't just used for embellishment either.  The models which do battle on a terrain board very much interact with the terrain and use it as part of their battle strategy.  Terrain can be used as cover against enemy attacks, to block your opponents shots as well as to contribute a strategic advantage.

There are many different ways to build terrain and probably one of the best is to build a flat-style terrain which then allows you to lay modular pieces on top of it to form different scenarios and battle scenes for your battles.

You can use the Warhammer 40k lore and history found in the army Codexes, White Dwarf Magazine and other Warhammer 40k books as inspiration for construction terrain ready to re-enact paramount battles.

construction Warhammer 40k Terrain

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