Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Empire Army - Warhammer Online Empire Characters, Strategy and Leveling Guide

One of the faction groups and armies in the human political group is the Warhammer Online the empire army. It has a strong and well- built resemblance in congruence with Holy Roman Empire in terms of language, location, society, and culture. The Empire army is remarkably akin with Warhammer 40,000's Imperium of Man. Avid gamers have constructed Warhammer Online the empire guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.



They bear a resemblance to European History similarly compared to Warhammer setting. It has lots of add ups and elements like the existence of non-human races and magic charms and spells. In the Old World, the Empire army has the biggest and most dominant among all nations. A big part of Empire is very forested and in the shadows of deeper forests hides the beastmen.

Military Army

They have the most diverse type of Army if compared from other in the Old World. Older forms of the army include the following:

Elector counts

The army is well crafted to produce war machines which include rocket batteries, steam power type of tanks, and volleyguns and other mechanical horse's type which is run by steam-punk elements. The empire army has a strong foundation of its cavalry with Order of Knights as its strongest form. Flagellants and Battle Wizards are state-trained and often regarded as religious fanatics.

The following are said to have the power to lead the empire army:

Imperial Generals
Captains- they were the soldiers selected by the Counts
Grand Masters - they are from various Knightly Orders
Warrior Priests of Sigmar
Arch Lectors - they are also from Sigmar
Emperor Karl-Franz - the Emperor himself could also lead the team


Who are the alliance team and groups of the Empire under the armies of order? They are listed below. The dwarf army is one of the alliance and closest team linked with the Empire army. The dwarf habitancy owes their loyalty and commitment with the Emperor assess to their ancestral homelands and well they have placed a large part of their contingent.

On the other hand, Bretonnia is regarded as the oft competitor of Empire Army. However, Bretonnia was on the back of the Empire army when they are presented with tasteless foes especially during the gift Storm of Chaos. Kingdom of Kislev is in good terms along with the army of Warhammer Empire and they join troops at times to defeat rivals.

Empire Army is tied along with High Elves and their togetherness is getting bigger and stronger. Sudenberg's Imperial colony among the Arby desert lands was been established. The trade among the two parties is heavy and it was told by their realms and marvelous Sultan leaders. Warhammer the empire army has some illustrious characters which include Sigmar Heldenhammer, Marius Leitdorf, Magnus the Pious, and several others.

The Empire Army - Warhammer Online Empire Characters, Strategy and Leveling Guide

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Warhammer Online Guide - exciting Wizard Aoe Template

This Warhammer online build was based on the following guidelines:

- Had to be Aoe.
- Emphasis was on PvP.
- Personal security and achievement is meaningless, as long as the team wins.


The tantalizing Wizard:

Prime stats: (In order of importance)

Intelligence = adds to magic damage in Warhammer online Wounds = adds to Hp in Warhammer online Willpower = adds to % to disrupt spells in Warhammer online

The 25 points will be placed as follows: (There will be a few extra points gained straight through RvR rewards, however we will not use them here)

15 in "Conflagration"
Buy the following skills in the Conflagration tree for one point each:

Annihilate Fiery Reserves Spreading Flames Backdraft Conflagration of Doom

Skills in the tree you do not buy: "Explosive Force" and "Wildfire"

The last 5 points will be put in the "Incineration" tree. Any added points should also be placed in "Incineration", there is no infer in Warhammer online to buy the bottom or second to the bottom skill in the tree.

80 RvR points to be placed in:

Acumen level 1 = 1 point Acumen level 2 = 3 points Acumen level 3 = 6 points Acumen level 4 = 10 points Acumen level 5 = 14 points
Resolve level 1 = 1 point Resolve level 2 = 3 points Resolve level 3 = 6 points
Sage level 1 = 2 points Sage level 2 = 4 points
Focused Power level 1 = 5 points Focused Power level 2 = 10 points Focused Power level 3 = 15 points

The purpose of this build is to put out immense Aoe Dps.

Here are the planned active morale skills:

Level 1 = Mage Bolt Level 2 = Ruin and Destruction Level 3 = Scintillating energy Level 4 = Conflagration of Doom

and the planned tactic slots:

Endless Knowledge Fan The Flames Fiery Reserves Devour Energy

Warhammer Online Guide - exciting Wizard Aoe Template

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fast and Easy Gold in Warhammer Online - Here's How to Do It

We live in a world where all things should be fast. Time is gold. That's also true in the latest Mmorpg that's sweeping over America these days, the Warhammer online. Players need to level fast or they would be left out. There's a race for the best player in every Mmorpg that has just started. It would do a player too much good if he start out ahead of others. It would be difficult to catch up once left behind.

Time is principal in this stage of the game. And just like whatever that has to beat the time, they need gold. Gold is the standard monetary unit in Warhammer Online and the best thing one needs in order to do things fast in the game. There's just one big problem. No one exactly knows how to get gold fast and easy. Seeing for gold is much more grueling than leveling up itself. It requires staying in one place for a long time trying to coerce luck to go in his way and be blessed with a high priced principal item.


That task takes a lot of time that would have been consumed in best ways. We can't blame those players, though. Gold is of course important. Seeing the best place to farm for gold is very important. If only there were guides to help. The forum is not a good place to look for help. Players are busy in-game they wouldn't have time teaching others where to find a rare drop they themselves have a hard time finding. If whatever requires secrecy well, this is one of them. During this early stage of the game no kind-hearted habitancy are willing to quest for rare items just to post them in the forum.

A player Seeing for a way to make gold faster and easier can resort to online guides. They are willing to give out information that would be helpful to new players. They know that gold is foremost in any Mmorpg so they also furnish help for those who are Seeing for a nice place to get gold. It is difficult to look for a farming location especially that not many habitancy have the exact idea how the game should be played so as to accomplish the best result.

One thing is for sure, if a player has a lot of gold he could do whatever he wants. He can buy rare items instead of hunting for them. They could afford to buy stats and status enhancers to make leveling easier and faster for them. They could also buy accessories that would make them stand out among the players. Gold is foremost in this game and farming for it is a very good thing to do.

Online guides on how to make gold in Warhammer Online is a good way of making it well in this grueling phase of the game. It would be great to start out strong and ahead of others. It isn't unfair to be come best or wiser. In fact the game requires that attitude. In Warhammer Online a player has just got to be the best or other players will dominate them.

Fast and Easy Gold in Warhammer Online - Here's How to Do It

Monday, March 28, 2011

extreme War Online Shadow Warrior Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online Shadow Warrior Guides

The Warhammer Online shadow warrior's specialty are bow usage plus they use combat styles and technique that is very beneficial in any combat situation. They are part of the shining guard army by the high elves with Dps occupation that is with ranged. They are the type of elves who lived in the Drutchii society but they favor high elves party as Phoenix King instead of Malekith while Sundering civil war. They are similarly paired with Squig Herder although they have no pet but still their fighting abilities are of the same range. Avid gamers have constructed War or Warhammer Online shadow warrior guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.

As shining guards, they serve as archers, hunters, and scouts. Their principle in fighting revolves nearby to say death against their foes and enemies. The bow devotee are closely linked with their names since they have the great eye that is keen sufficient to attack off opponent even at a far distance no one can imagine. They are also skilled users of blades which they make use to slash off swiftly and with a fury attack that results to the downfall of their enemies.


Specialty of Shadow Warrior

During the midst of battle, they use lots of fighting styles and maneuvers that are ideally suited to every combat that they have. Lots of data are outlined in War or warhammer online shadow warrior guide. Three fighting stances were made by these warriors and each of which differ from the other :

1. Scout - it's a tactic that makes use of level moves of archers. It finishes its opponent by giving them combat attacks with the use of several snaring attacks to procure their distance before they come to be overwhelmed.

2. Skirmish- it refers to bow capabilities of a warrior that will enable him to shift and at the same time shoot however limitation is is within close range of distance.

3. Assault- capability of the warrior is focused on combat technique both in obnoxious and defensive charges giving the warrior higher chances to disable and distract his opponent.

Masteries of Shadow Warrior

These masteries are tied up to strategic fighting styles of the warrior which is sometimes of great use while multiple fighting situations :

1. Path of the Scout

Focused on the capability of bow attacks to cause damage to the opponent which could be use while stationary or even position shifts.

Career Abilities

a. Festering Arrow (9 points)
b. Glass Arrow (5 points)
c. Fell The Weak (13points)

2. Path of Skirmish

It is focused on bow usage attack which is used at close range battle for strategy of hit and run which is greatly used in skirmish type of fighting technique.

Career Abilities

a. Barrage (13 points)
b. Shadow Sting (5 points)
c. Flanking Shot (9 points)

3. Path of Assault

The focuses of this path is rested upon the capabilities of shadow warriors on fighting combats and battle whether on the obnoxious and defensive fee which is of great use on attack technique.

Career Abilities

a. Exploit infirmity (13 points)
b. Swift Strikes (5 points)
c. Sweeping Slash (9 points)

In whether paths, shadow warrior are said to win on a game due to their dexterity in changing fighting stances. Having a War or Warhammer Online shadow warrior guide will help you drastically improve your game.

extreme War Online Shadow Warrior Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online Shadow Warrior Guides

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Warhammer Online Powerleveling

Warhammer Online is an inviting new game with hundreds of thousands of players, and what is probably the fastest growing gaming society in history. There's a lot of new players finding for ways to powerlevel their new characters, as well as many clubs gift their services. But is buying powerleveling from a shady company unmistakably the best way to level up your character?

Usually, it takes at least a month of playing to reach rank 40 in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Some players enjoy the whole leveling experience, however there are many players who frown upon it and would do roughly anything to get to rank 40 without frustration. The clubs that offer such power leveling services are ordinarily settled in foreign countries where some citizen make a living by power leveling your character.


The cost of these services is ordinarily high, fluctuating from 0 to 0, which if you ask me is insane. Also, just like buying gold, buying power leveling for your character is against the Terms of Use and your catalogue can get suspended for it. In some cases, such power leveling clubs even scam citizen for their money and steal their gold in-game to resell it later on. Some clubs also use discrete bots which automate farming with your character, which is very easy to detect and will get your catalogue banned for sure. I urge you to think twice about buying powerleveling because it's unsafe and sometimes not too reliable. There is other way however.

Compared to the expensive powerleveling services, Warhammer leveling guides are nearly free. For a measly price of to you can download leveling guides which are written by professional players who know what they are doing ever since the early days of Warhammer Online. It does want some work to level up your character with the use of leveling guides, but it's well worth it and you wouldn't believe but it can unmistakably be fun. You can unmistakably reach rank 40 in less than a week without having to play 10 hours or more each day, without using any hacks, bots, cheats or other exploits which can get your catalogue banned, and without paying insane amounts of money.

Warhammer Online Powerleveling

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Top Warhammer Online Squig Herder Guide - Warhammer Online Squig Herder Strategy & Leveling Guides

The Squig Herder is one of the work options for the Greenskins Army under Warhammer Online's Armies of Destruction. They are goblin hybrids who carry colse to with them bows and arrows. The squig herder has a sure level of fragility but they can command units of squigs in the battlefield. The squigs themselves are monstrous, having razor-sharp teeth and intimidating stature. They are relentless, for they will continue attacking even though their enemy has already fallen to death. Unlike the Orcs and Goblins who share the same looks as the rest of their race, the squigs have various forms and sizes. A amount of gamers have constructed a Warhammer Online Squig Herder Guide to help out newbies and other players in trying to both play as and fight against the Squig Herder.

Under the Warhammer Online Squig Herder Guide, the strengths and weaknesses of the Squig Herder are listed. There are four types :


1. The horned squig
2. The spiked squig
3. The gas squig
4. The battle squig

The horned squig, true to its name, has a horn that comes in handy while melee combat. The horn serves as a durable weapon that guarantees victory against the enemy. The spiked squig has tough spikes that can impose great damage upon opponents. It is inferior to the horned squig, however. The gas squig is qualified with poisonous gas. When he emits this, he can kill some opponents in one time. The disadvantage of the gas squig, however, is that he is at times vulnerable. The battle squig is a sort of vessel---in a way that when he swallows the squig herder, the squig herder controls him directly. The squig herder does this by pulling the battle squig's intestines, like a puppet specialist would do to the strings attached to a puppet.

According to the Warhammer Online Squig Herder Guide, the squig herder is a strong work option under the Greenskins Army because his death shall not stop the rest of the squigs from carrying on with the fight. He has a lot of skills, morale abilities, and tactics. Among these are: squig frenzy (where the squig herder uses a whip to drive his pet into an attack frenzy), the chomp (where the squig herder orders the pet to attack), the farty squig (where the squig herder's pet explodes), the sticky squigs (where the squig herder imposes a power that makes the opponents rooted and immobile), the choking arrer (where 100 damage is imposed on the target all the while silencing them and production them defenseless), the squig armor (this is ready to the squig herder once the battle squig swallows him), abilities such as bite, claw, bounce, and shout, the sharp tools (which can increase the damage made by the chomp to 225), the tasty sauce (heals the squig herder), the squigbeast (another quality for the squig herder's pet), the squig goo (which can damage the target by colse to 60%), the shrapnel arrer (which creates 66 damage against the enemy), the poison arrer (creates 400 damage against the target), the sneaky stabbin (makes for a penetration into the opponent's armor for about 25%), the spin 'n slash, the foot stab, the wired squig, the rotten arrer, and the arrer o'mork.

Top Warhammer Online Squig Herder Guide - Warhammer Online Squig Herder Strategy & Leveling Guides

Friday, March 25, 2011

ultimate War Online Disciple of Khaine Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online Khaine Guides

Disciple of Khaine are one among the few careers included specifically in the game of Warhammer Online and hard to be found anywhere along Warhammer Universe. They are the work that is included in the armies of Dark Elves with the role of hold prototype in the House of Uthorin. The disciples are carefully healer fighters while combats and melee. Avid gamers have constructed War or Warhammer Online disciple of khaine guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.

They act on the alternate way of attack. First, they bother to charge enemy with dispute getting the life energy eventually giving it to their allies and companions. They are marked by the Elven God for the war and murder who is known as Khaine. They are trained along the dark shadow of Khaine with rituals that could steal the power of the opponent's soul in just a singular nip of disciple razor sharp weapons. Their pair is no other than the Warrior Priest.


Roles Play by the Disciple
Believe in the will of Khaine as their God. Who is he in the first place? Khaine known as bloody handed god for he encircles his world with war and murder. They smashed off their opponent like Khaine, reaping off the souls of their foe with no mercy. They come along while fights with their chaliced and swords that are protected with wicked ritual. They are capable or enacting dark rituals and while summons they call upon their god to grant and favor the Druchii warriors. Lots of information are outlined in War or warhammer online disciple of khaine guide.

Specialty of Disciple of Khaine
They are dual fighters that are both beneficial to them and damaging to their foes. It means that they have the quality to heal and resurrect their fellow disciple and inflict great curses and damage to opponents. Front liners while battle because of their spectacular, sharp swords and Soul Leeching power that will growth their chanting spells and bang down foes. They are the known catalyst of the battle since they could convert the direction of the game. They specialized in the use of activity points that is to fuel their attacks and lots of their basic abilities.

They gain Soul essence at the moment they cause damage and it is stored to fuel up its other abilities. Main power revolves around destruction and rebuffing of enemies at the same time healing, curing and buffing their allies.

Other abilities include Rampaging Siphon, Consume Essence, and other damaging yet fueling attacks. However, their Soul Essence power is actually run out. Disciple of Khaine has compact of Vitality power which means it could grant 20 percent opportunity to add spirit damage to every charge they made and with an equal amount they could be healed. Only a singular compact is allowed at a time considering he should be active. They have greater heal over time fuel when collate to other healers. Having a War or Warhammer Online disciple of khaine guide will help you drastically improve your game.

ultimate War Online Disciple of Khaine Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online Khaine Guides

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Warhammer RvR

I am so excited Warhammer Online is to be released soon. I am eager to get started and I believe Warhammer Online will be the next great thing in Mmo's.

The best thing about the game will be the unique approach of Warhammer Online RvR. If you don't like PvP, then this verily isn't the game for you. I suppose you could create a character and have fun without ever participating in RvR combat by staying in the safe zones and completing quests and crafting. However, the whole game is centered on the friction in the middle of Order and Destruction and gamers are encouraged to take part.


A player is emerged in Warhammer RvR from the beginning. The very first quest you receive is to kill the enemy, even if it is just an Npc. You can perfect scenarios that take you directly to the RvR operation and almost guarantees you will get renown points. The scenarios are small areas with an objective and a restricted number of players. Basically you are thrown in a pot with the enemy and someone has to come out as the victor.

As you improve straight through the lands of Warhammer, you will find contested zones where the zone you are in overlaps with the enemy's area and quests take you in to the field to perfect objectives and kill other players.

The recompense for Warhammer RvR is renown points. Just like contact points, players gain renown points to growth in renown rank. As you gain ranks, you visit the renown instructor and use these points to gain stat buffs and battle tactics.

There is a total of 40 renown ranks and you gain one training point per rank. There are three tiers of training. The basic tier requires 20 points and allows you to growth basic stats, weapon skills, etc. You must spend 20 points in the basic tier to open the intermediate tier. The intermediate tier rewards are bonuses to double stats like willpower and intelligence, or increases in resistances. After spending 20 points in the intermediate tier, you can unlock the final tier and growth your ranged, magic or melee vital occasion percentage, or your parry or dodge rate. These bonuses will make a big difference in your success in Warhammer RvR.

Chose your side carefully, I believe you will only be able to create characters from one side or the other on each server to help forestall double-teaming. Order or Destruction is totally a matter of choice, but fighting the opposition is undoubtedly required.

Warhammer RvR

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Basic Warhammer Terrain Materials List

We roughly did anything about Warhammer, but since every time we do a task we find something missing from our materials. You have bought, assembled and painted your first ever Warhammer army. You are now ready to play, but wait...You want some cool warhammer terrain to go with your newly acquired army. Now for this report it shows you the basic materials that we all the time use and workspace you will use to make some awesome warhammer terrain. You better have this one on your toolbox so that you will terminate your task without the hassle of lack of materials.

Basic Materials 1.paint brushes 2.utility knife 3.hammer 4.pliers 5.sandpaper (or sanding block) 6.pen or pencil 7.wire (electrical or all purpose) 8.fine sand 9.modeling flock 10.Pva glue (white glue) 11.painting pallet 12.scissors 13.plastic straws 14.Popsicle sticks 15.polystyrene (insulation foam) 16.Styrofoam 17.metal bucket 18.hacksaw 19.Chaos black spray paint wire cutter 21.can 22.tissues 23.newspaper


There are twenty three basic warhammer development materials that we all the time use in every task though we do not all the time all of them its better to have them for urgency purposes. Try to keep all this materials in one safe and large box so that it will be easy for you to way if you have something needed. Its better to have a table or a desk dedicated to painting/terrain so that you will have your own workplace. But if you do not have one there is still no problem to it as long as there is table.
For better insight of the materials to be use we gonna plainly list it again but this time with description.

1. Paint Brushes

Paint brushes and raw materials are important in terrain development or minute painting. It is better to have a set of fine detail brushes with another set of medium sized brushes for terrain. There are so many techniques that you can learn with brushes which we'll go over in upcoming article.

2. Utility Knife

Another very important item for terrain development and you must have it in your box for terrain making. This minute thing will come to be a huge thing and be your bestfriend as you'll most likely use it the most. Be sure to use it with extra just for its blade can be quite sharp. all the time cut away from your body to avoid wounds. And remember to cut things on top of a board or piece of wood so as to not damage the table underneath.

3. Hammer

A hammer is beneficial if you want to add weathered rock effects to polystyrene (insulation foam). This can also be beneficial when doing some building colse to the base or table.

4. Pliers

These minute tools are primary for cleaning up the edges of your miniatures. Those extra fragments colse to your miniatures can be cleaned up by using this. They're also beneficial for keeping small items that are drying.

5. Sandpaper/ Sanding Block

This next material is used to flat the edges colse to your miniatures. Using sandpaper to smoothen out rocks and ridges is a good technique. I prefer using the sanding blocks as opposed to sandpaper. You have more operate over what you're doing. Sanding terrain pieces also ages them.

6. Pen or Pencil

Naturally a pen or pencil is beneficial for marking out things such as windows or doors in a building.

7.Wire (electrical or all purpose)

Wire can be used as rebar or barbed wire. As for the electrical purpose, wire will be use to have light on bunkers, buildings, and towers.

8. Fine sand

Fine sand is beneficial in so many ways. Adding sand to to the bases of your miniatures or as a gaming board exterior are just a incorporate of things you can do.

9. Modeling flock

Adding flock to rocks, trees, hills and miniatures adds to the realism of your game.

10. Pva glue (white glue)

Another raw material when it comes to terrain building. This can be bought cheaply at a convenience store.

11. Painting pallet

These are important if you plan on painting a lot. We can use here a ceramic tile. These are good because the cleanup is easy. They're also strong and durable. Other options for painting pallets are a Styrofoam plate or a piece of wood.

12. Scissors

Make sure to pick up a pair of good ability scissors. Believe me, you're going to beat them up pretty good.

13. Plastic straws

Good for development pipes, railings or even barricades.

14. Popsicle sticks

These are very beneficial for development all sorts of things. Wood floors, barricades and stairs just to name a few.

15. Polystyrene (insulation foam)

You can make rocks and hills out of these. Tyranid spires are also a good task made from these.

16. Styrofoam

Similar to insulation foam, styrofoam is also good for development rocks and hills. Regular styrofoam is easier to come by however.

17. Metal bucket

One of these is good to have and is handy for many projects. Mixing paint and keeping sand are good uses for these. A water pail is also a good idea.

18. Hacksaw

A must if you plan on having wood or masonite bases for your terrain. (Careful not to nick yourself)

19. Chaos black spray paint

These are a wonder if you have a large army to base coat. You get into hard to reach places a lot easier with spray paint.

20. Hot wire cutter

These are used for shaping styrofoam. They run on batteries and are a Godsend for hobbyists. Make sure to be in a well ventilated area while cutting. The fumes may give you a headache.
(Warning: The hot wire cutter gets very hot and can burn you. Be just not to touch the wire with your bare skin.)

21. Can

Useful for keeping small things in and for mixing paints. Also beneficial for cleaning brushes. If you're adventurous you might even build a fuel tank with it.

Basic Warhammer Terrain Materials List

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Warhammer Mark Of Chaos GamerZ present

Warhammer Mark of Chaos is the eagerly awaited Rts (Real Time Strategy) game by Namco Bandai. Based on the Games Workshop tabletop wargame, Warhammer, one can fight alongside the evil Chaos or the mighty Empire. The game itself is amazing, graphics are top-notch and the Ai is stunning. It captures the whole Warhammer caress greatly and has pretty good multiplayer action. Although there are some disadvantages (such as multiplayer technical issues and a fairly basic campaign) its well worth buying this game.

The game is fairly simple to get used to (after about half an hour you will probably be used to most of the basic controls) Basically, its mostly drag and click but there are some beneficial rotating/zooming options (all explained in the tutorial, which is a must for first-time players) and if a quick view reset is required, all you have to do is tap the Space Bar on your keyboard.


The battles are very similar to the Total War games (only instead of just humans, these comprise Orks, Elves, Skaven, Chaos and other creatures/armies from the popular fantasy wargame) The battles are remarkable to watch and at some points I just zoom in and watch my men fight. Unfortunately the campaign-mode is nothing special. The player has a selection of two campaigns, the Chaos campaign and the Empire campaign. Even though Mark of Chaos and the Total War games feature the same type of epic-battles, the same can't be said for the campaigns. The Mark of Chaos campaigns are nothing close to the strategic depth of the Total War campaigns, but they both feature the same turn-based style.

Both the Empire and the Chaos campaigns are very similar, you move along a pre-determined battle path and fight battle after battle, meet and help a besieged town, duel an enemy hero and defeat and encampment of enemies. Occasionally you may come over a crossroads leading to an elective battle, but other than that, there aren't well any random events. You are able to buy your own army's units, upgrade them with good armor, weapons, siege equipment, banners, musicians and unit champions and even bless your troops in a temple, granting them varied battle benefits. When you decree to fight a battle, you can obviously select which troops to take with you and this is were the decision development and strategic planning begins.. Do you want an army full of ranged weapons, such as muskets, bows or axes or would you rather rely on a force made up of swords and spears? The selection is up to you..If you lose some units in the battle, you can replace these (for a cost) at your army camp/town(eliminating the whole "resource gathering" process that may make other Rts games boring). You also get to control varied heroes throught the game. These can also be upgraded with unique upgrades, they can fetch armor and other items from dead units and use special skills to boost their/their regiment's fighting/defense skills. These heroes can duel enemy heroes in one-on-one combat. Speaking of battles, these involve quite a bit of strategic thinking and with the right tactics, it is potential to crush the enemy with minimal losses from your side. The fighting isn't like most Rts games, it isn't "fight to the death", units have morale and if a indispensable estimate of that unit is killed, the survivors will break ranks and flee, giving you (or your opponent) the opportunity to regroup and chase the remainder of the enemy's army until they're forced to surrender.

Multiplayer battles are often huge and enthralling (that is, if you conduct to connect..) Unfortunately there are some relationship problems (even after patching) but thankfully, these will eventually be fixed and Mark of Chaos supports multiplayer play over a Lan so its not That big of a problem.

This game is a fine example of a modern day Rts and any future expansions should be interesting..

I give this game an 8.5/10

Warhammer Mark Of Chaos GamerZ present

Monday, March 21, 2011

Top Warhammer Guide - Warhammer Online Scavenging Strategy & Leveling Guides

One can see that the creators of War strove to be diverse when they conceived of the game's characters, quests, careers, sceneries, and other elements. They also made sure that the game, hailed as the best Mmo of 2008, will introduce something new to the world of online gaming, such as the inclusion of four conference skills which are rarely seen in other Mmorpgs. The conference skills they created for the game are not only captivating and fun to use, but also easy to learn. Judging by the success of this new Mmorpg, their gamble to introduce something new paid off. Not only are new gamers now addicted to this game, veterans are de facto drawn to it to. One of the conference skills will be my topic for today and is taught at the warhammer online scavenging strategy & leveling guides. Mastering this skill early on is a very smart move because this skill allows you to gain many items that might be beneficial in the future. Before we go into details with that, let us first analyze what this involves and how it is done.

They are de facto a very easy skill to learn. As usual, you need to learn the skill from a instructor early on in the game. Once you've done that, all you need to do is battle humanoid creatures and kill them. Once you've killed them, you just need to check the corpse to see if there's whatever there that you can use. Simple, right? However, what you need to remember is that it only works for humanoid creatures, not beasts or animals. If you're wondering what humanoids are, they are those that look like whatever remotely human. To let you know that you can raid a definite corpse, flies will be buzzing above it. At the same time, when you point the cursor to the corpse, a pair of tongs will appear. This means that you can now go ahead and cut and snap off whatever that you can use from the corpse.


The items that you get or yield from using the War scavenging guides vary from corpse to corpse. You should also need to remember that the higher the level of the being that you kill, the higher the item's level would be. So if you're feeling rather confident, then by all means battle with stronger creatures so you can get kickass items. These items can be kept for future use. Scavenged items can be used in multiple ways. They can be used in potion making via the Apothecary craft, as equipment for use with the cultivating skill (watering cans, for example), or fragments which can be used when making talismans via the Talisman making craft. Learning the warhammer online scavenging strategy and leveling guides is necessary to players who want to have as many back up items as possible. You'll never know when you'll need an extra healing potion or two.

Top Warhammer Guide - Warhammer Online Scavenging Strategy & Leveling Guides

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Warhammer Cheats - How to Make the Most of Them

The Warhammer Online cheat comes in handy when the going gets real tough. You can normally use it to get confident equipment, to seek walkthroughs, to growth force and medical ability, or to speed up your rise in ranks.

However, these Warhammer cheats will be utterly useless if you don't know how to make the most of them. To help you out, you can start with the following:


1. Begin all with the -dev command. This is known as the command line parameter. It allows you to enable or to disable specific features in the game, especially while it's currently running. This command, moreover, will be the one you're going to use so you can get underway your Warhammer cheats.

2. Get your cheat list. The cheat list may vary, depending on what Warhammer version you're going to play. Nevertheless, you can find a lot of them in the World Wide Web. These are the commands that you need to enter into the command line in order to get underway the cheat. Keep in mind that some of these Warhammer hacks are general cheats. This means that you need to modify them to make them positively work.

3. Save your list. Since you're going to make some modifications into the cheat file, you may want to save the actual list, the one before you made any change. Sooner or later, you may need them again. Rather than beginning from scratch, all you need to do is to simply open the file.

Now, once players tend to seek Warhammer hacks, they tend to come to be totally dependent on it. Although it's not going to be an issue of morality or ethics, you may want to preserve your cheats, though, when you don't positively know what to do or when you're struggling. Make them your salvage grace, not the whole drive of the game.

Warhammer Cheats - How to Make the Most of Them

Saturday, March 19, 2011

How to Make Warhammer 40k Craters

Craters normally comes as a effect of huge explosion brought by bombs, meteors, or volcanic eruptions. In our contemporary world we can see craters when a bomb explode. We seldom see a crater created by a falling debris advent from the sky because this will leave a very big crater.
But in the Warhammer 40K universe they are an daily thing so it is unusual if you cannot see a crater. It is therefor a tasteless occurrence to see craters made by things landing from the sky. Lets put as example a dent a lascannon would leave if it hit the ground.

Materials List


-polystyrene (styrofoam)

-utility knife

-Pva glue (white glue)


-toilet paper

-paint brush


-acrylic black

-tin bitz (dark gray/brown)

-graveyard earth (dark brown)

-bestial brown

-snakebite leather (light brown)

-camo green

Step 1 get ready base

As the saying goes "there are many ways to kill the cat", we can say also that there are many things that we can literally use for creating the base. It is up to you what would be the best material to be use. A piece of thin wood or thin styrofoam will best fit the work. But for this project we use thin wood.

Step 2 Cut out crater bits

Creating a crater bits will be easy as taking the candy from a baby, plainly grab the styrofoam and cut out small triangular wedges.

Step 3 Glue wedges

By using a Pva glue (white glue) stick all the wedges you cut out and stick all together to the thin wood that we created for the base. In gluing the wedges, to create a unique look into the crater try to alternate the wedges or leave a space between each wedge.

Step 4 Fill in gaps

After you glue the wedges, you can see that in every wedge there is a gap, fill the gaps between the wedge using a plaster. But if you have a putty you can use it in filling the gaps.

Step 5 paper mache you crater

If you know how to paper mache then this will not cause you any issue or delay.
Using strips of toilet paper and watered down glue you can now begin to paper mache your crater.
The purpose of the paper mache is you will keep the plaster protected so that it won't chip off easily. The paper mache also gives for a more earthly look on the crater.

Step 6 Base coat

For the base coating just prime the crater with acrylic black paint.

Step 7 painting layers

After the base coating dries up its time to paint and terminate the job. literally there a lot of blend or painting layers to be use. These are our suggested layers to use. Begin with tin bitz (dark gray/brown), and then dry brush with graveyard earth (dark brown). Next dry brush bestial brown and then snakebite leather. Lastly, dry brush a final layer of camo green to give a mossy effect.
And there you have it! Nice, realistic looking craters made easy.

How to Make Warhammer 40k Craters

Friday, March 18, 2011

Warhammer Guilds

Now that war is almost upon us, many questions have been asked about Warhammer Online guild systems. If you are like me, you have a group of buddies that are eager to swap games and start up that same guild group in a new game.

Here is some basic info about Warhammer guilds and how it all works. If you are familiar with guilds and companies from other games, you won't admittedly be surprised in Warhammer.


You will need a full group of six unguilded members to travel with you to inescapable City and visit the guild registrar where the group leader pays the "small" fee and creates the guild. The exact fee may change when the game goes live so look it up if you aren't sure you have enough.

Your Warhammer guild will level up and gain skills, abilities, and rewards. Your guild is leveled up as player members gain renown points. At guild level 4, you are able to join an alliance. As your guild levels, you will gain entrance to guild tactics, banners, and guild bank slots. Guild banners can be displayed on guild members' cloaks, or on keeps that are being defended.

The guild tab will provide lots of useful information about your guild. The Profile tab lists announcements, events and web page information. The Calendar page is also a cool feature and allows events to be scheduled and shared with everyone online. No more relying on face websites for event scheduling. The Roster lists your guild members levels, class, race, etc and even their location and last login. The acceptable page is for editing and displaying the guild banner. The Rewards tab shows the guild's rank and progress, as well as rewards for achieving the next rank, and so on. At this time, the guild level is capped at level 40, just like player rank.

Overall, the Warhammer Online guild theory is well understanding out and very functional. Like most Mmos, guilds will be a vital part of the gaming perceive and it is inescapable Mythic has put some serious understanding in to the needs of guilds in their game design.

Warhammer Guilds

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Top Warhammer Online Ranged Dps Guide - War Strategy & Leveling Guides

War is assuredly taking the gaming world by storm, thanks to its very impressive visuals, unique gameplay, and intricate, detailed world. Added to that is the game's truly fierce character archetypes. Unlike other Mmorpgs in the market today, War character archetypes or class are not as stiff or as restricted. Some accomplish functions that belong to another archetype. It lowers the possibility of de facto getting bored with a character or production a gamer complacent of the character's skills. Depending on your gaming style or preferences, there is de facto a character class that would fit you. If you want to experiment, that would be a good idea, too, because I can assure you that all character classes in War are up to par and very perfect and well fleshed characters. Today, I will tell you about one of the classes with the aid of the warhammer online strategy and leveling guides.

The Ranged Dps or Damage per Second allows a gamer to assault and cause damage from a distance, effectively canceling out the possibility of being damaged through close combat. In the War World, the this type of class if additional subdivided into three classes with very dissimilar roles. These are the following:


* Pet scholar - the toughest of all ranged Dps classes, pet masters are those that, as the name suggests, own pets or animals that they can use in fighting. The White Lion of the High Elves and the Goblin Squig Herder of the Greenskins are examples of pet masters. Pet masters are awesome in that they can send in their pets to battle, and at the same time, accomplish attacks themselves.

* Area of Defense - The Chaos' Magus and the Dwarf's Engineer have this role. They are jacks of all trades, capable of attacking from afar and also skilled in one on one combat. Their traditional role is to set up a defense for allies.

* Mage - maybe the weakest of this type of classes, in that they are not heavily armored and are not for melee combat, the Mage (Dark Elf's Sorceress and the Empire's moving Wizard) are still very much capable of dealing a lot of damage with their spells. Killing the opponent as speedily as inherent is their main use and they are especially efficient against opponents with low magical resistance.

When reasoning on selecting a class character, you should consider getting assistance from the warhammer online ranged Dps guides. One must keep in mind that these characters are always more efficient when attacking from a distance. If you prefer de facto getting into a fight, avoid using this type of character. However, if you are one of those citizen who prefer attacking and causing damage to more than one opponent while a battle, this type of characters are for you. They are very beneficial in multiple kills, and if properly pimped up (good armor and weapon) your character can be one of the most feared characters in the War realm.

Top Warhammer Online Ranged Dps Guide - War Strategy & Leveling Guides

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Warhammer Online Builds - White Lion Template

The White Lion:
This was rather a difficult selection for a template. You can pick to strengthen yourself, your pet, or both. I would regularly make your mind up "myself", however after quite a bit of consider I went with selecting "both" which is the path of "The Hunter". This selection was made for no other think then for the end game PvP viability of the build. Top three stats:

Strength = Increased melee damage Wounds = Increased hit points Toughness = Lowers incoming damage.


The 25 points will be located as follows: (There will be a few extra points due to RvR rewards, however we will not use them here)

15 in "The Hunter"
Buy all skills in "The Hunter" tree for one point each. I know this is very unusual as I do not like getting all the skills in a particular tree line, however for this build I will make an exception.

The last 4 points will be put in "The Guardian" tree. Any supplementary points should also be located in "The Guardian", there is no think to buy the bottom skill in the tree.

80 RvR points to be located in:

Might level 1 = 1 point Might level 2 = 3 points Might level 3 = 6 points Might level 4 = 10 points Might level 5 = 14 points Fortitude level 1 = 1 point Fortitude level 2 = 3 points Assault level 1 = 2 points Assault level 2 = 4 points Assault level 3 = 6 points Opportunist level 1 = 5 points Opportunist level 2 = 10 points Opportunist level 3 = 15 points

The purpose of this build is to be able to do your own thing with minimal administration of your pet. While you will still need to keep an eye on him and carry on him to an extent, you will not have to micromanage him. You will be able to kill caster easy and with "Pounce", they will never know where you came from. This build will give you more then sufficient Dps and sufficient survival to rip up whether the front or back of the enemies line of combat.

Here are the planned active morale skills:

Level 1 = Sever Nerve Level 2 = Flying Axe Level 3 = Dominance Level 4 = Blade and Claw

Slotted Tactics can be changed "on the fly", as long as you are not in combat. Since there are 5 quick slots available, I would use each one in a different situation. One for PvP fight, one for PvE Group, and one for PvE solo. Here is my selection for a "PvP fight":

Brute Force Pack Hunting Lion Heart Hack and Slash
Build Strength:
All around decent Dps and survival skills.

Build Weakness:

Since this is a well rounded build there categorically are not any weaknesses.

Warhammer Online Builds - White Lion Template

How to Get Started With Warhammer 40,000 the Right Way

Warhammer 40k is a tabletop game that has been making waves in the world of little war gaming for the past 2 decades. The game is so popular that Games Workshop, its creator, has already released 5 editions of the game just to satisfy the needs of fans and hobbyists around the world. The Warhammer 40k tabletop game is quite a complicated game to play, but it is the type that you undoubtedly get addicted to.

The 40k tabletop game requires strategic skills and patience from the players. The taste of playing the game can be compared with the feeling of being a normal while a war. Each move you make should be determined planned out, and the opponent's move should be determined observed. Similarly, every move and every charge that happens on the 40k tabletop battlefield is vital to the success of the player. While luck is also a factor in playing the game, the success of the player can often be traced back to the army he chooses and the strategy he employs in playing that army.


The Warhammer 40k armies have dissimilar tactics that they use in battle, and with the rules set by Games Workshop, it is easy to see that none of these armies are perfect. Each has its own fair share of advantages and disadvantages that could make or break it for the player. The key in building an army is to build one that complements your style of playing, which means that its tactics should match your personality and playing tactics as well.

For example, if you're the type of man that prefers to go into battle with guns blazing - your best bet would be to build an army that supports that style of play.
Each army also has a unique background and history, and reading these back-stories in the magazines and rule books will also help to get you familiarized with the style of game play of each army.

Warhammer 40k is not just an commonplace game; rather, it is a hobby that will reward the time, energy and money you invest in it with a rich feeling of accomplishment, fun and enjoyment.

As a beginner to the world of Warhammer 40,000 you may want to consider starting out with a starter set instead of collecting your main army from the get-go. The starter set for Warhammer 40k is called charge on Black Reach and it gives you passage to two small starter armies - the Space Marines and the Orks - with which you can battle your friends.

By building and painting the little models in this set you'll get some taste and enjoy the game play of the game before choosing your main army.

Consider your starter set like a training practice where you learn all the basic aspects of the hobby, from building models, to painting, to studying how to play and even to building your own war gaming terrain.

How to Get Started With Warhammer 40,000 the Right Way

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Top Warhammer Guide - Warhammer Online Tanks Strategy & Leveling Guides

There are just some gamers who love getting into the thick of battle and use their size and strength to crush and pound their way to victory. No sly magic spells or animal tricks for them, these citizen want battles to be pure and raw, fist to fist, weapon to weapon. If you are this kind of gamer, then selecting a character using the warhammer online tanks strategy & leveling guides is going to be the best move you'll make. It will keep the battle hungry in you happy. The Tank class or archetype shares similarities with other archetypes of other role playing games. From their looks alone, big, burly, and very heavily armored, you can immediately tell that they are these characters. Their weapons are often bigass swords or hammers. Some immediately think that playing one is too simple for them. Just hack and attack. The truth is, they are not only useful, they are very wise character choices.

Why are they a good character selection for you? Aside from their brute strength, they are very useful in group combats. Their main purpose is not only to inflict heavy damage to multiple opponents, but at the same time, act as buffers or shields that capture first wave attacks from spell casters and such. This is so that other players can attack. By drawing the enemies' concentration to them, the Their allies can deal heavier damage to unsuspecting victims. This requires sell out and daring for you, but you don't need to worry. Most of them are impervious to spells and if faced with other melee attackers, they are on par with them.


There are four Tank characters in the realm. They have their own extra abilities and techniques so that playing them will never be a bore. The characters are the following:

* Chosen - Aside from the ability to be used as a shield and dealing much damage in the process, Chosens have a unique ability called Discordant Instability. This allows you to debuff or take off any spell located by an enemy and apply it to your own group.

* Black Orc - very simple to use but at the same time, possessing of many separate abilities, Black Orcs are private gems. They can accomplish Clobber, Trip 'Em Up, and Skull Thumper. If you execute the attacks properly, Black Orcs are one of the best characters in War.

* Ironbreaker - perhaps the most considerable and toughest, Ironbreakers are to be feared when in battle and rightly so. Plated like a real tank, Ironbreakers deal very heavy damage with skills such as Vengeful assault and Binding Drudge.

* Swordmaster - Swift and very precise, Swordmasters are effective fighters with their speed and many skills such as Graceful Strike, Quick Incision, and blurring Shock. The technique is to learn correct timing and balance when attacking for maximum effect.

As you can see, they are not just muscle and brawn alone. To use them, one also needs to be smart and ready to sacrifice. By drawing concentration to yourself and attacking your opponents head on, you can divert them from finding your ally's attacks. They are truly more than their looks, and you'll more of these at the warhammer online tanks strategy & leveling guides.

Top Warhammer Guide - Warhammer Online Tanks Strategy & Leveling Guides

Monday, March 14, 2011

Warhammer Online Guide - Witch Hunter Template

This will be a "Anti healer/tank" build. Because you put out adequate Dps, there is in effect no intuit to worry about ranged Dps. Healers and tanks are what dictate who wins a battle. As such, your three most foremost stats will be:

Strength = adds to melee damage
Wounds = adds to hit points
Initiative = Increases your chance to dodge ranged attacks, detect stealthed opponents and makes it more difficult for enemies to critically hit you.


The 25 points will be located as follows: (There will be a few extra points due to RvR rewards, however we will not use them here)

15 in "Inquisition"
Buy the following skills in the Inquisition tree for one point each:
Full Confession
Seal of Destruction
Punish the False
Encourage Confession
Exit Wound

Skills in the tree you do not buy: "Prolonged Confession".

The last 4 points will be put in the "Confession" tree. Any further points should also be located in "Confession", there is no intuit to buy the bottom skill in the tree.

80 RvR points to be located in:

Might level 1 = 1 point
Might level 2 = 3 points
Might level 3 = 6 points
Might level 4 = 10 points
Might level 5 = 14 points

Impetus level 1 = 1 point
impetus level 2 = 3 points

Assault level 1 = 2 points
Assault level 2 = 4 points
Assault level 3 = 6 points

Reflexes level 1 = 5 points
Reflexes level 2 = 10 points
Reflexes level 3 = 15 points

The purpose of this build is to take out the two most foremost classes in a PvP battle.

Here are the planned active morale skills:

Level 1 = Sever Nerve
Level 2 = Force of Will
Level 3 = Broad Swings
Level 4 = Excommunicate

Slotted Tactics can be changed "on the fly", as long as you are not in combat. Since there are 5 quick slots available, I would use each one in a separate situation. One for PvP fight, one for PvE Group, and one for PvE solo. Here is my option for "PvP fight":

Full Confession
Flowing Accusation
Encourage Confession
Brute Force

Build Strength:

Flexible between against a healer or tank.

Build Weakness:

Not as hardcore in outright Dps. I feel the trade off is in effect worth it.

Warhammer Online Guide - Witch Hunter Template

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Goblin Guide tell - The Warhammer Master's Guide

If you are a Warhammer online fan, Goblin Guide is your good source. Goblin's Warhammer Leveling and Mastery Guide is the top than other guide on all Warhammer enumerate sites. This is a "must have" package for those drooling on warhammer guides or any other Mmorpg guides in the market.

1. Should You Get The Goblin Guide?


The guide can help you a lot as it has detailed leveling guide in-depth and is recommended by the professionals. It can be an exquisite tool especially for those who do not have enough time to form out where to quests and what they do as well as for those who simply wants to be guided upon.

The Goblin Guide comes in distinct packages. You can have the faultless Guide -- covers all aspect of Warhammer Online. The 1--40 order guide covers all single tiers, empire, dwarfs, high elfs and all episode and area in the game. The detailed Leveling Guides are the most detailed guides ready online with step-by-step leveling and detailed colored maps. The Leveling Guide Map Coordinates gives you map cords for each quest in order for you to find every quest item and npc so you can trace your movement and never to be lost again.

2. Warhammer Gold Mastery Guide.

The Gold Mastery Guide helps you to make thousands of gold while breezing to level 40 quickly and easily. The RvR Guides will teach you all you need to know about RvR as well as it comes with faultless keep raiding guide and scenarios. The Renown Leveling Guide can help you accomplish Renown rank 80 quickly with the RvR guides.

3. What Does The entire Goblin Guide package Contain?

With the buy of Goblin Guide, you will receive free updates and a lifetime membership privileges. Such privileges contain access to member area and download of Pdf Guides. You are also able to see video guides and get complex with our absorbing forum which has new information and absorbing comments updated everyday.

With all of this privilege with the Goblin Guide, you can be assured that you have the best guides ever you've come over in your entire life. Mastery of the Warhammer Online is just a few visits away and you can expect the greatest thrill of a lifetime!

Goblin Guide tell - The Warhammer Master's Guide

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Warhammer characterize

Well, the preview weekend is over and the open beta doesn't start until September 7th. That gives me time to tell you puny bit about Warhammer Online. I am excited about the impending publish and think Warhammer will be the next best thing.

The creators of Warhammer Online, Mythic Entertainment, have nothing else but taken all they have learned from DaoC and obviously others in the Mmo genre and created a game with lots of appeal.


RvR was a trademark of Dark Age of Camelot and the theme is repeated again in Warhammer Online. There are three races on each side with an opposing race on the other side. There is a set of Order humans and Destruction Humans, the High Elves fight the Dark Elves and of course the Dwarves are out to eradicate the Greenskins (orcs and goblins). While these starting areas are separated, the races soon spread out and it is easy to cross in to other races areas and join the fight there. By the end game, the racial fights will be blurred in to one big Order vs. Destruction brawl.

The RvR is imbedded in the game and ready from the start. Scenarios can be joined and are basically instances for RvR and they vary by tier and race so you don't get bored with the same scenario over and over. Contested areas throughout the land furnish quests and RvR opportunities too. Both of these are level restricted so level 40s can't come in and take over the newbie area.

The social quest law is a good way to get good gear since gaining affect is guaranteed to get you your choice of two dissimilar pieces of armor and a potion. Once the quest is completed, you can also roll for the big loot and see if the dice favor you. You can gain your choice of loot there from armor and weapons to crafting supplies and money.

It's hard to communicate a complex game like Warhammer Online in 500 words or less but I am excited about the upcoming publish and would urge everyone to get their copy today and get it installed and get ready for September 18th. War is coming!

Warhammer characterize

Friday, March 11, 2011

Cities of Death - Warhammer 40k Expansion overview

In Warhammer 40k, every world, every planet becomes a battleground. The human race, in the year 40,000, face constant threats from the alien races in the galaxy as well as from the soldiery of Chaos, who are considered to eliminate the Emperor and the Imperium from the face of the galaxy.

In the Warhammer 40k tabletop game, two types of battles commonly occur: long-ranged and close-combat. When Games Workshop launched the Cities of Death expansion pack, however, city street fights became the new talk of the town. The Cities of Death codex is an add-on to the proper 40k rule set.


The 40k Cities of Death expansion pack introduced the rules for city warfare and guerilla warfare into the world of Warhammer 40k. The game commonly deals with combat and cover, combat between separate heights of terrain, and new missions and objectives that are set in an urban environment.

Unlike most settings for Warhammer 40k, the Cities of Death expansion pack requires a lesser amount of extra terrain for each army. The city setting mostly deals with ruined buildings, cathedrals, and forts that work on each army's style of play. The city setting can prove to be both an advantage and disadvantage to 40k players; while the ruined structure can really slow down the enlarge of an attacking army, they can, on the other hand, safe the soldiery by giving them the advantage of Cover Saves.

Indeed, this makes the Warhammer 40k tabletop game more tantalizing for everyone. Also, long-ranged battles become very minute to a few open spaces but fire power still comes in handy when the attackers close-in on their enemies. Often, however, the possessions of structure break down into brutal close-combat battles where only the strong move on.

Finally, the 40k Cities of Death expansion pack also gives hobbyist a wide range of models to work with. From painting the buildings, to designing the urban setting, to adapting the look of the armies to the settings, no other 40k game setting offers hobbyists as many opportunities to show off and enhance their skills. The Cities of Death expansion pack also contains some guides and tips on painting and modeling the terrain and armies, while also being sympathetic to the fact that not every person has the time or is willing to spend so much exertion into building city landscapes.

Overall, Cities of Death provides new and tantalizing opportunities for players, hobbyists, and fans of Warhammer 40k as it takes the urban reality of today into the far time to come filled with war and hostility.

Cities of Death - Warhammer 40k Expansion overview

Thursday, March 10, 2011

greatest War Online White Lion Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online White Lion Guides

Warhammer Online white lions fight for the concern with order under the shining guard of the high elves under the prototype vocation of Melee Dps. They are born as woodsman from Chrace rugged woods and hills. They wield battleaxe which is carefully as the great weapon traditionally used by the Chrace hunter. Aside from this superior weapon, they also command lion pet that is loyal to serve war. Avid gamers have constructed War or Warhammer Online white lion guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.

The vast majority of their class works as the honor guard of the Phoenix King. Sub units of White Lions also are closer with some hunters who take into account of being responsible with them. The deadly and savage beasts that roam colse to the forest are the lion's cub. On the other hand, they could be as loyal same with a Griffon if they care under the care of an expert. They are carefully tame along with their tenderness and firm arm and hands which quickly form a union with the Chracian hunters who endowed their time to look after their class. White Lion are very protective in the case of their masters as well as with adopted pride. They are named as "War Lions" because they shape formidable gadgets on the field of war. Lots of information are outlined in War or warhammer online white lion guide.


Their abilities are divided into their actions and tactics.
1. Brutal Pounce-Guardian
2. Pounce-Hunter
3. Trained to Hunt-Hunter
4. Cull the Weak-Axeman
5. Trained to Kill-Guardian
6. Trained to Threaten-Axeman

1. Threatening Distraction-Axeman
2. Pack Hunting-Hunter
3. Stalker-Guardian

Role Development
Several years ago during the time of war young white lions were brought in the battle field to be trained. Since they are younger, they are more new but it never stop them in going to battles along with their masters which makes them of great use in holding an eye to the beast, this is their training ground as honor guards in the future. They are ready to die at any given time for the protection of their master. Practically all guards of the Phoenix king came from the forest of Chrace which is also true in the case of a white lion.

Every year, the king and its ministry are selecting small group which are composed of young elves who are chosen to serve in honor of the king in accordance to the ancient rites. Within the group, not all of them are worthy to be in assistance with the king, only those who could withstand the challenges shall remain. The challenge is to go in the forest of Chrace and capture a white lion. Whoever comes back wearing the cloak of the lion shall be named worthy to serve the king. Having a War or Warhammer Online white lion guide will help you drastically improve your game.

Masteries of White Lion
1. Path of the Hunter
2. Path of the Axeman
3. Path of the Guardian

greatest War Online White Lion Guide - Tips and Hints on Warhammer Online White Lion Guides

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Makes Warhammer Online Europe So Popular?

When the game first came out, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning was swiftly purchased by gamers over the world. Both in the United States and abroad, the game attracted many individuals that were looking at a way to replace World of Warcraft as the number 1 Mmorpg.

But for some reason, the game was extremely popular in Warhammer Online Europe, where individuals started playing the game in droves and description numbers of people are registering every day. But why would Warhammer Online Europe (in other words, the European WaR faction) be taken so much by the game while the American and Australian gamers are registering at a slower place.


A Theory

One principles is that the former tabletop game (Warhammer) was and is more popular in Europe than in other countries in the world. Tabletop and card games in the United States and other areas have been supplanted almost exclusively by video games - whereas in Europe, the two are not mutually exclusive. people play tabletop games just as they play video games, because they characterize ways to socialize with their friends.

And so when the Warhammer Online Europe game was announced, it represented a fusion of both worlds: The tabletop game that had been colse to forever and an Mmorpg, arguably the top step in the evolution of gaming.

The two are not very similar - in fact, besides a few similar character types, the games are thoroughly different. But for those that are a fan of Warhammer Online Europe, that's okay, because the goal is not to play a game that fuses those two types of games together. The goal is just to play a new game. It is the idea that the two games may be related that makes it request for retrial at first sight and starts off the notice about either or not to buy the game and try it out. But it is the excitement about playing a new video game that keeps that excitement going, despite a lack of similarities in gameplay.

While we may never know why Warhammer Online Europe is so much more popular that the game is in the rest of the world, but it appears that it is, and anything the intuit it is nice to see any new game receive that high an number of popularity everywhere in the world.

What Makes Warhammer Online Europe So Popular?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Warhammer Online Gold Guides - Scam Or Real Deal?

Leveling in Warhammer Online is relatively easy, as you reach the higher Tiers a qoute ordinarily pops up: Gold. You begin to see that you can't find any good gear from quests or enemy players. You then start reasoning of ways to make some gold so you can then buy anything you need off the Auction House. Nowadays, that way would be to use Warhammer Online gold guides, but are they for real?

As I was playing nearby in T4 scenarios or open RvR, I noticed that a lot of habitancy had great items than mine. I thought to myself how can that be possible. An acknowledge would be that while I was waiting for the armour I needed to just drop off an enemy player, other habitancy were buying them. I could join all sorts of raids to get some very nice items, but I didn't leave my former Mmo game to do the PvE side all over again, I came to Warhammer Online to get some PvP action. So I fulfilled, I needed gold. Checking out ways to get some, I stumbled upon these Warhammer Online gold guides. I was reluctant at first because I figured it had to be fake, or it used some "illegal" methods.


After a while I gave up and looked for a guide to get and check out, I thought it wouldn't hurt to try one. There are a few Warhammer Online gold guides to select from, I got one that had the money back warrant since I wasn't sure about them. After receiving it, I read all of it and to my surprise it didn't use any bug exploits or stuff like that. It just told me where to go, what to kill and how to kill. Some said that I should buy the gold I need, but that's risky and the gold you buy ultimately gets used.

A guide, however, tells you how to make gold whenever you want, and it's yours, you can use it as many times as you want. After using it for a while I got used to it, it is like having your own personal itsybitsy helper whispering in your ear where to go to get the maximum amounts of gold per hour. I didn't even look at other Warhammer Online gold guides since the one I got looked like a winner for me.

So, Scam or real deal? I am pretty sure that there are some scams out there, but if you select determined you can get your hands on a gold mine. Just do like I did and select one that offers 100% refund to avoid nasty surprises. To conclude, there are Warhammer Online gold guides that absolutely can help you.

Warhammer Online Gold Guides - Scam Or Real Deal?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning - Will it Be the King of the Mountain?

Will War be hold the gold crown and beat out the other fantasy based massively multiplayer online role playing games, along with the one that is currently on the top right now, and that closely resembles it's self, which is of course World of Warcraft. The two games are based on the strategy game fantasy background that spawned them; there are also sure similarities that the two online games share, like graphics for instance. They both share a look and feel of animated fantasy realm, though warhammer online seems to have a darker and less cartoonish touch, you'd still have to be blind not to notice the similarities in the middle of the two massively multiplayer online role playing games. There are also any other similarities in the middle of the two such as isolate factions of races, quests, Pve, Pvp, Rvr and the. All of these things are great and influential in development World of Warcraft an perfect and also very popular game but how does it fair for War? Will the end result be the same?

Warhammer online will make its mark for itself it seems in player vs. Player, other fantasy Mmos have pvp in it but not as greatly woven into the fabric of their own games as warhammer online. In Warhammer the entire world is the battlefield you battle against the other realm for dissimilar goals. You do have something to lose in PvP like losing your main city to the enemy what about losing actual territory such as Keeps (castles) that were held by your guild? The biggest incentive to being good at player vs player is that if you keep losing you won't be getting any victory points, more land, better skills and cooler seeing characters. If you are good by the end of the week you could have a model erected in your avatars likeness to honor you.


If you are into the violent and completive nature of a war fantasy then Warhammer online maybe your game, there isn't an online game like this. You are required to bring out your inner rage, increase your response time, clicking action, competitiveness and scholar the usage of You won't even be able to improve without the true spirit of a warrior, but is that enough to throw the king off the gold Mmo thrown? You only have a month to wait and then you can find out.

What makes Warhammer Online so unique compared to majority of the other Mmorpgs is the Realm vs. Realm battles that not available in any other game other than Dark Age of Camelot which is also created by the makers of Warhammer Online, Mythic Entertainment which is now known as Ea games. A player chooses in the middle of two opposing factions that will face off against each other in castle sieges, open plain battles, group battles, "zerg" fights of over a 100 players at a time. A strong leader(s) is required to lead military of hundreds of players into battle for one goal. To overthrow the opposing side. No other game has offered what Dark Age of Camelot and Warhammer is able to provide.

Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning - Will it Be the King of the Mountain?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Warhammer Vs WoW - Will Warhammer Be the Next Big Thing?

So maybe you are one of the ten million current World of Warcraft subscribers and you are wondering if Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is for you.

I'm betting you are looking transmit to the new Wrath of Lich King expansion and leveling up again, but when you think about it, it doesn't sound all that much fun. You know that all that armor you have worked so hard to get and upgrade is going to be worthless when the expansion comes out and you will have to start over again spending time and money to get new equipment just to keep up to speed.


Warhammer Online offers WoW players a new and thoughprovoking world to discover and new quests and a great RvR experience. Its possible playing WoW that you have never participated in Horde versus Alliance combat. I can promise you, playing Warhammer, you will not fly the friction in the middle of Order and Destruction. If your realm has tipped the scales of RvR in their favor, every person in the area gains perceive bonuses, sometimes very significant bonuses.

There is no resurrection penalty in Warhammer. If you die repeatedly, you can resurrect again without waiting an further thirty seconds. There are also no crowd control options in Warhammer. This means you won't spend the whole fight feared or stunned watching your group mates drop like flies.

At this time, there are no armor/jewelry rewards for participating in RvR in the world or Warhammer. Players gain renown points and renown ranks when they kill other players. For each renown rank, they gain a point to spend on stat increases or battle tactics. There are armor sets for each tier, but they can be purchased from a keep vendor once a player reaches the minimum level and renown rank for that area.

The look and playability of Warhammer is very similar to World of Warcraft and I think those who try it out will find themselves very comfortable with the interface and the character models. The RvR scenarios are similar to WoW as well. There are capture the flag and get to control point scenarios as well as capturing battlefield objectives by having more members that the other realm. In this aspect, WoW players will feel right at home.

Will Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning beat out World of Warcraft as the greatest Mmorpg ever? I don't know. But I do know it's hard to keep ten million population all happy at the same time.

Warhammer Vs WoW - Will Warhammer Be the Next Big Thing?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

5 Tips to Make Gold in Warhammer Online

I like to reconsider myself a veteran player since I have more than 5 years of taste in online games behind me, most of that in Mythics old Mmo game. With that in mind, I understanding about helping out the less experienced players with this article. I will write here the best 5 tips to make gold in Warhammer Online I could think of.

I'm pretty sure you can find any of the following tips spreaded throughout the Internet but I think it's very good to have them all in one place.


1. When farming gold, try and stay focused. Mobs in War die pretty fast, if you waste time chatting your results will end up being very poor;

2. Find the right spot. There are a lot of enemy Npc's in the RvR zones, but those are too scattered to make any use of them, instead look into the normal PvE areas for camps, especially colse to social Quest sites. Your mobs should be in tight clusters so you can kill as many as you can;

3. Find the right mobs. The two major types of mobs you can find are whether humanoids or beasts, you will want the humanoid ones as they are the only ones that drop real cash along with other items you can sell;

4. Keep the right drops. If you find a spot that gives a lot of seeds and dyes you should use that. Dyes are very favorite in War as well as seeds. With the herbs you grow from seeds you can make potions, so seeds will always be needed. Never sell seeds to a Npc merchant, just regain as many as you can and sell them at the Auction House;

5. Pick the right tradeskill. You should pick the Scavenging convention skill and use it on any and all humanoids you kill, even enemy players in scenarios or open RvR. It can add some nice gold over the estimate you farm.

I hope my tips will be beneficial in helping anyone make gold in Warhammer Online. I am aware of the fact that what I just wrote isn't anyone new for veteran, but I believe it helps the beginners when something is written somewhere where anyone can passage it easy and use it. Following those tips did make a big unlikeness for me, to make gold in War isn't an issue to me anymore.

5 Tips to Make Gold in Warhammer Online

Friday, March 4, 2011

How To Make Warhammer Crystals

When you have a cool termagaunt little or a beautiful base and you want to add more details on it. How do you wish to add more details to heighten its look. Well I've got the you a suspect to smile now for the Crystals is the best retort for it. Imagine your base that was being added by a crystal on sides, how cool can that be. This time adding not just the crystals on your warhammer bases but also putting on sand as well as painting it to add more variety. In this narrative you will learn how to make Warhammer crystals that you can add to your base or on any terrain.

Materials List



-paint brush

-sanding paper

-Pva glue (white glue)

-assorted paints

Step 1 cutting your sprues

There is no need to buy sprues on the store just extra sprues that you can see in your working area. Cut off a few small pieces from them, just be sure that its pretty clean from its markings or numbers that was place on your sprues. Because sprues normally comes up with on it. Crystals with any markings on it specially numbers will look quite off. So just duplicate check the sprues that you will use for your crystals.

Step 2 Sand and Shape

After you have your sprues already, begin sanding your sprues into crystal shaped pieces. Imagine that you will put your sprues on the bases of your warhammer little so the size will be quite small.

Step 3 Glue crystals to base

When you have your sprues sanded and shaped like crystals, glue a incorporate crystals to random areas of your base or everywhere you like. Crystals that are glued on an angle give your warhammer base an added touch that looks great.

Step 4 Glue sand

Next, brush on Pva glue (whit glue) onto the rest of your warhammer base and sprinkle on fine sand, and then after sprinkling shake off excess sand that did not stick onto the glue. Then leave it to dry for few minutes

Step 5 Painting crystals

When it is already dry, its time to paint your crystals. Begin by applying your first base coat of color to your crystals. Lets just use a liche purple color paint so that it will be no ifs ands or buts recognized. Next, dry brush warlock purple, and then tentacle pink. After dry brushing, give it few more minutes to dry, after that add a wash blue ink. Make sure to water down the blue ink, otherwise it'll saturate the crystal leaving you with no graphic undercoats.

Step 6 Paint the sand (optional)

I f you have some time left and still want to add more charm to your warhammer, this suggestion can be done. You can paint the sand aside from the crystals, to give good divergence dry brush your sand by codex gray paint. Make sure to leave some of the natural color showing through. And end it off by lightly dry brushing some skull white.

How To Make Warhammer Crystals

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Top Warhammer Online Chosen Guide - Warhammer Online Chosen Characters, Strategy & Leveling Guides

The Chosen is one of the four occupation options under the Chaos Army of Warhammer Online's Armies of Destruction. A number of gamers have constructed a Warhammer Online Chosen Guide to help out newbies and other players in trying to both play as and fight against the Chosen. Since the main objective of their army is to wrech chaos against enemies that tread on their path, the Chosen is qualified with heavy armor. Since they are technically Tzeentch's Chosen, they swore allegiance and assistance to their lord Tzeentch. For their weaponry, the Chosen carries a gigantic two-handed sword blade. Members of the Chosen class are all the time male.

Under the Warhammer Online Chosen Guide, their strengths and weaknesses are listed. Among the many skills, talents, morale abilities, and tactics of the Chosen are as follows: Ravage (where the Chosen channels the warp's powers into his two-handed sword and when used, the sword can levy 100 worth of spiritual damage); Tooth of Tzeentch (where the Chosen can stab the enemy for 100 damage and an additional one 100 for every damage dealt by your team for the next five seconds); Corrupting Wrath (this inflicts 75 damage to opponents within 30 feet); Taunt (this enrages the opponent and the damage you levy will cause 30% more to them); Sleeping Wound (this causes the Chosen's sword to burn with energy that will deal 123 damage against the opponent within 9 seconds); Discordant Instability (the resistance of the opponents will be reduced by 236); Dizzying Blow (deals 75 damage against the Chosen's target).


The Chosen can also look out for those who are a part of his team by means of the Guard Ability. Available for purchase at 2000g, the Guard allows the Chosen to defend his team as long as they are within 30 feet. All damages they levy or is inflicted upon them will be divided in the middle of the Chosen and them. The Withering Blow allows the Chosen to levy 75 damage and dismember the opponent. To heighten the Chosen's defensive position, he can make use of the Suppression ability and this will growth parrying skills to 25% within five seconds. The Bane shield, on the other hand, surrounds the Chosen for ten seconds and deals 100 spirit damage against the opponents who will dare attack.

The Chosen is also capable of imposing considerable hits, which go as far as inflicting 120 damage for about 7 seconds against the enemy's strength. This may be achieved through the ability "trembling weakness." Tzeentch's Amplification amplifies the medical spells cast in favor of the Chosen to as much as three hundred percent. The Sprout Carapace, meanwhile, can growth the Chosen's armor impel to 1320. Every person in the group will also receive supplementary 100 Ap.

There are many other tactics and skills Available for the Chosen occupation option, and the list is quite impressive. You will find good facts if you have the right Warhammer Online Chosen guide. Because of this, the Chosen is one of those classes that are tempting to play or even fight against in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

Top Warhammer Online Chosen Guide - Warhammer Online Chosen Characters, Strategy & Leveling Guides

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Warhammer Quest Guide present - Warhammer Elite

A good Warhammer quest guide is a great resource to have for finding your way around in the immense world of Warhammer Online. Warhammer Elite, created by Steve Ferris, who calls himself a "no life gamer", is a exquisite fit for that role. Steve has been playing Mmorpgs for many years and has been complicated with Warhammer Online since complete beta. He legitimately knows his stuff and shares it all with you in his guide.

Unlike many other games, War has plentifulness of options when it comes to leveling. This is great, as it adds variety to the game so you never have to resort to milling your way straight through levels. However, if you are trying to speed level in Warhammer Online, this could be a question if you don't know what you are doing. With so many options, it's easy to get distracted and slow down your pace of leveling. This is where Warhammer Elite can help.


Warhammer Elite clearly lays out a path to get you to level 40 without wasting a lot of time, and without missing half the content. The in-game screenshots and fully annotated maps, along with the detailed instructions and tips for completing quests, are designed to help guide you straight through the game as fast as possible. He even gives you pointers on how to engage the assorted mobs you will encounter in your questing adventures.

For whatever finding for a well written Warhammer quest guide to help you level fast in Warhammer Online, Warhammer Elite would be a great guide to consider. This guide works well for leveling in PvE quests, group quests, and RvR scenarios.

Warhammer Quest Guide present - Warhammer Elite

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Warhammer Online Gold Guide - Waaagh!

Having money problems in War? That's probably because you PvP too much and we all know that you don't verily get money out of that. I was in the same predicament and I'm going to share with you a dinky incommunicable that helped me under the form of a Warhammer Online gold guide.

I wasn't too keen on getting money thinking I don't verily need them. I was wrong, War is a Mmo game just like any other. You need money for equipment and other helpful stuff like potions and talismans. There are armor types that just wont fall off a player, and when they do, you don't win them. So I notion there should be someone else alternative, as there are Raid Instances in the game. So I started searching the Auction House for best items and guess what, they cost gold and lots of them. I then started finding for something to help me with the gold making and found a Warhammer Online gold guide. I started using it and now I'm happy I wasted a few hours finding for one.


So I took a break from the zergy open RvR areas and the scenarios where you usually find AoE groups, which are just annoying, and went off to the PvE areas to make some gold. I must admit that PvEing in War is pretty easy, after beating down on players all day. I got busy using the Warhammer Online gold guide and before I knew it, the results started to show in my backpack. The guide took me to all of this places where you would just relax killing some enemy Npc's which are nice and drop dead easily. After a few days of using the guide, I had enough money to buy anything items I needed and some potions and talismans to socket my armour. The cool thing about it is that after you made the money you needed, you go PvP and when you need money again, you have the guide and just go make it fast and easy.

That being said, I just have to say that when, and if, anything else thinks about using a Warhammer Online gold guide, make sure you get one with the refund option, just in case you find it to be a rip off. Mine has free updates included so when the game changes I'll know. In my opinion, using a gold guide is totally worth it as it covers your gold problems and you only need to integrate on the PvP.

Warhammer Online Gold Guide - Waaagh!