Saturday, March 12, 2011

Warhammer characterize

Well, the preview weekend is over and the open beta doesn't start until September 7th. That gives me time to tell you puny bit about Warhammer Online. I am excited about the impending publish and think Warhammer will be the next best thing.

The creators of Warhammer Online, Mythic Entertainment, have nothing else but taken all they have learned from DaoC and obviously others in the Mmo genre and created a game with lots of appeal.


RvR was a trademark of Dark Age of Camelot and the theme is repeated again in Warhammer Online. There are three races on each side with an opposing race on the other side. There is a set of Order humans and Destruction Humans, the High Elves fight the Dark Elves and of course the Dwarves are out to eradicate the Greenskins (orcs and goblins). While these starting areas are separated, the races soon spread out and it is easy to cross in to other races areas and join the fight there. By the end game, the racial fights will be blurred in to one big Order vs. Destruction brawl.

The RvR is imbedded in the game and ready from the start. Scenarios can be joined and are basically instances for RvR and they vary by tier and race so you don't get bored with the same scenario over and over. Contested areas throughout the land furnish quests and RvR opportunities too. Both of these are level restricted so level 40s can't come in and take over the newbie area.

The social quest law is a good way to get good gear since gaining affect is guaranteed to get you your choice of two dissimilar pieces of armor and a potion. Once the quest is completed, you can also roll for the big loot and see if the dice favor you. You can gain your choice of loot there from armor and weapons to crafting supplies and money.

It's hard to communicate a complex game like Warhammer Online in 500 words or less but I am excited about the upcoming publish and would urge everyone to get their copy today and get it installed and get ready for September 18th. War is coming!

Warhammer characterize

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