Tuesday, June 14, 2011

High Elves Guide - Warhammer Online High Elves Characters, Strategy and Leveling Guides

What is the role played of Warhammer Online high elves army in the game? To know them better, try to read on further on the following nice to know facts among high elves. Avid gamers have constructed Warhammer Online high elves guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.

High Elves Army


They are also known as Asur which is the name they commonly call themselves. They are among the race and species of Elves that resides in the Ulthuan Island which bear resemblance to the Atlantis. They are close to immortality with staggering longer live span almost 2500 long years. The have the best Mages in the world. The elves have differentiated into three dissimilar factions. They are listed below :

The High Elves also known as the Asur - resides in Ulthuan Continent

Wood Elves also known as the Asrai - they are the group of elves that thrive in the woods of Loren Forest

The Dark Elves also known as the Druchii - their group resided in the circle of New World in Naggaroth. The Dark Elves are carefully as the main rival of High Elves.

Elves armies are assigned as a small group with light gear and armors in the tabletop war games specifically in Warhammer Fantasy Battle. High elves soldiers are the type of soldiers who are quick to make actions, brave to act, and very skillful when collate to other groups and armies. Warhammer Online high elves army typically resides in the island of Ulthuan although their colonies in any parts of the known world are abundant. Their armies have the finest ship which sails deeper along the big waves of the ocean.

Ulthuan as the main house of High Elves is separated into smaller kingdoms wherein each kingdom is being ruled effectively by a prince. any princes form together a council. The council will then settle who among the elf will be reigned as the one of a king Phoenix King which is carefully as co-ruler among the Asur or high elves population. The army of the high elves is closely similar with the Craftworld Elday of Warhammer 40,000.

Cavalry of the High Elves

Silver Helm Knights

They are sons of the very praised High Elven nobles. Horseback is their preferred mode of fighting among their nations. The type of cavalry which are somehow traditional, geared with light fighting armors and lance. Their power is the speed of their knights and the way they charge off in the battle field.

Ellyrian Reavers

They are from the elite province of Ellyrion and they are carefully as a light cavalry. They commonly make use of bows along with their spears to annoy enemies and the knights are superior and skilled riders.
Caledor's Dragon Princes

After a long time, these cavalries cover the sky at the back of great drakes and recently they select to ride on horses during battles. They are the members of cavalries of Warhammer high elves army who are arrogant, proud, and exceptionally skilled. Having a Warhammer Online High Elves guide will help you enhance your game.

High Elves Guide - Warhammer Online High Elves Characters, Strategy and Leveling Guides

Sunday, June 5, 2011

War Squig Herder Game Guide - Gold oppressive Warhammer Squig Herder Leveling

As a War Squig Herder game guide rightfully points out, the Warhammer Squig Herder leveling is a gold oppressive process where a lot of gold is spent naturally purchasing skills with every extra level. Due to this, a good Warhammer Squig Herder game guide would generally cater towards overcoming this strangeness while leveling, and there are a number of methods that can be chosen in order to do so. Bear in mind however, that some of the techniques that many a War Squig Herder game guide would advise may not fit in with a players personal play style or preferences and so the best one should be sought out.

Most popular among the methods of conferrence gold while the Warhammer Squig Herder leveling process revolve nearby conferrence skills. Take scrounging, for instance, as recommended popularly a good Warhammer Squig Herder game guide. Straight through the use of this conferrence skill while in the Warhammer Squig Herder leveling process, some corpses can be 'looted' for a second time to gain crafting materials. These materials in turn can be sold off, sometimes for quite a lot if something rare is found.


Through this method, many a War Squig Herder game guide claims that it is entirely potential to fund the demands of gold while Warhammer Squig Herder leveling. Of course, there are many other methods of acquiring gold, and with time and a diminutive bit of experimenting, or even some more help from another Warhammer Squig Herder guide, a player can quickly find out which method of acquiring gold suits him or her best.

War Squig Herder Game Guide - Gold oppressive Warhammer Squig Herder Leveling

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Warhammer Online Guide recapitulate - Penn's Warhammer Guide

Penn's Warhammer Online Guide joins the list of guides ready to help you level fast in War. Well known for his potential World of Warcraft guides, Penn has been playing War since terminated beta and once again shows why he is an terminated gamer and writer.

Warhammer Online takes a dissimilar arrival to Mmorpgs than other similar games. Penn has put all his experience and knowledge into his guide, allowing you to take benefit of that to level faster. He tells you where the best places to solo are for each area of the game. You will know exactly where you should be and when you should be there.


Most players despise milling for levels. Nothing is more tiresome than killing the same mobs for hours on end. If you like that sort of thing, then you might be disappointed with Penn's guide. His techniques are the most sufficient way to level fast without any grinding.

Other guides I've seen are nothing more than a list of quests with no advice at all. With Penn's guide you get detailed instructions for completing each quest; the who, what, when, where, and how. The detailed maps with coordinates allow you to of course find out where you need to go.

Penn's Warhammer Online Guide Features:

Detailed step-by-step quest paths Specific instructions on how to faultless Every quest Maps for All zones that show you exactly where to go to faultless your quests Know when to change zones and where the best places are to go for your level Learn tricks and techniques for leveling that are specific to Warhammer Online Optimized Quest Paths - Don't waste your time figuring out where to go next! Easy to Use - Clean and easy-to-ready guide format Free Updates - Even for Upcoming Expansions!

With all the Warhammer Online guides out there, it can be difficult to chose the right one. There are any high potential guides, and many more terrible ones. Penn's falls into the first category.

Warhammer Online Guide recapitulate - Penn's Warhammer Guide

Friday, June 3, 2011

extreme War Online PvP ideas Guide - Warhammer Online PvP ideas Guides

Warhammer Online PvP ideas or the player versus player ideas battle is an additional one arena that players will undoubtedly enjoy.In this regard, players are given choices whether to select the following:
First Choice: To be in the side of Order

Order is composed of the religious and fanatics of Empire of the humans, mysterious high elves who are in the aid of the King named Phoenix who came Lothern capital, and Oath bearer dwarves who came from Karaz-a Karak who are stout and tubby.


Second Choice: To be in the side of Destruction

Destruction are in general composed of players who has the relaxation to select among the dreadful and dreadful chaos followers and fanatics of Tzeentch, Bloody Sun Boyz who are the orcs and goblins (the followers of Gazbag and Grumlok), as well as the followers of the usurper Malekith who are the warped dark elves.
Classes are offered in wide arrays, in some cases there are 20 of these all in all who cover the possibility of a fantasy role. Offerings in each group are fixed in four numbers. Each class is believed to have its own so called mechanical doppelganger which could be found somewhere on the side of the opponent. Once a player seems to enjoy a obvious class, player must expect that there would be existence of similarities on the side of the nemesis trying to tempt the player.

This game opens an open-world combat as well as incorporated instances. On the spot operation could be played on various scenarios since participants are offered with online camp and map.

What to anticipate from the PvP ideas of War Online?

The PvP ideas is determined to be one of the biggest transmit point thus is publish was undoubtedly appreciated and enjoyed by the characters involved. The battles offer by the ideas is undoubtedly awesome and the characters undoubtedly put in their time and show off their close to perfection strategies and tactics.
Strong points and Weak spots
The ideas was formulated in the image of thought, imagination, strategies, and tactics of each. Mythic Entertainment, the creator of Warhammer Online wanted to get rid of a table top game based on loose strategies which requires lots of clicks for the player to freely move. The new ideas are now established with rewards given to gamers as well as they have their own plan before attacking their enemies, line of charge to their enemies and be able to identify the root of their character, their main power and weak points. Warhammer Online PvP ideas is designed primarily to excite and determined select their own character and be able to take the challenge to withstand other users.They must as well as identify their points over a player to part possibility of success and completing the battle.The essence of strategy in online PvP is truly a celebrated in Warhammer Online.

extreme War Online PvP ideas Guide - Warhammer Online PvP ideas Guides

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning communicate

Mythic Entertainment is ready with their new Mmorpg. They are the habitancy behind Dark Age of Camelot, a game that became known for its Pvp, Player vs Player where all the players are complex in a war between the 3 breeds. This concept, known as Realm vs. Realm, matched by hand in glove with Warhammer Table Top game, in which separate races were in constant war with each other. So when Games Workshop decided to make an Mmorpg based on the beloved game series, it was obvious to select Mythic Entertainment to create it. They have now done it, and Realm vs.. Realm (Rvr) is an important part of Warhammer Online. "War is everywhere" promise Mythic in their advertisements, and after spending months in a small game, then I give them quite right. When you Logr into a War (Warhammer Age of Reckoning) server, you can not avoid being mixed up in the war between Order and Destruction.

When you start the game there are 6 races to select from. 3 on either side of the conflict. Dwarfs and Greenskins fighting on one front, the High Elves and Dark Elves are fighting for control of their homeland and habitancy trying to stop an invasion from Chaos. So there are 3 ways you can fight on, and what you start at is carefully by what race you select to play. Each race has its own professions, such as the Dwarf Iron Breaker or Chaos' magus. They are very different, although they essentially can be divided into some basic types that are known from this type of game. When you have chosen your character and found a look that fits, you are ready to eye this new world.


Quests are there of procedure plentifulness of and you must honestly make efforts to run out of them. It is normal institution for this type of game and works very well in War. Private quests are honestly the stereotypical kind, to find habitancy / things, or beat monsters to death, but there has been much work in history and it makes them honestly quite entertaining. You can sense that Mythic has been aware of this and they vary them quite well with small surprises in the pipeline. The first 10 levels used in the same beginning area, but as soon as you reach the first warcamp, the game opens up for the other races areas and this works honestly great, because there is nothing preventing you from completing quests in all three areas.

Public Quest
Besides the usual quests, Mythic has invented something they call the social Quest. It is a welcome innovation to the genre. The story of the game is driven by the social Quest (Pqs). When you run nearby and solve quests, you will encounter areas where a Pq going on. They often consist of 3 or more phases, which all have in common that they can not be completed alone, but require more habitancy working together. Once they encounter such a quests, you can begin to unblemished it. You don't need not be in a group with other habitancy who also are engaged in this quest, but it can often be an advantage. When a Pq is completed, ie all phases are solved, all those who contributed to finnish it is ranked according to how much they contributed. The one ranked top gets the best rewards. It is a brilliant way to meet new people, and as one of the main purposes of an online game is to play with others, then Pqs is a rather genius feature. Beyond the rewards you can win by completing a Pq you earn influence, which can be used to redeem rewards from obvious people, so even if you do not just win something, then your time spent in a Pq is far from lost .

Realm vs. Realm
As I said, war is an important part of Warhammer online. Fairly speedily after beginning a character, you are introduced to the Pvp aspect of the game. It can be approximately divided into two: Scenarios and Open Rvr. Scenarios are the first players notify themselves with. You sign up for a scenario, and when there are adequate players on both sides to start it up, it started. Then you get send to the area and must fight to unblemished the objectives before the enemy or before time expires (after 15 minutes). There are scenarios where you must fight for control points, scenarios where you have to steal your opponent's flag and make sure that your own flag is not stolen, and many others. There is good collection of scenarios. The good thing about these scenarios is that it is the side which works together as a team who commonly wins. It is not just a ask of being run nearby and turn the opponent to death, although the procedure is always a good thing. It is a matter of working together to solve the task, and there are no classes that can cope it themselves. Cooperation is the key to success. It is quite clever that you always can join a scenario, and once it is over is naturally sent back to where you were when it began. This makes it easy and quick to get complex in Pvp.

Open Rvr encounters also quite fast on. Once you find the first Warcamp you are at the batlefront, and once you move into the war zone you are doing Rvr. There are bases and carstles, which you should fight for. It takes place in battle against other players, and just as in the scenarios, there is collaboration the way forward. It is highly entertaining, and I amused myself with the cost of this aspect of the game, although I commonly do not Pvp. But the mythic belief of Pvp is brilliant way to avoid 'ganking' So that habitancy with low level becomes' ganket 'of habitancy with much higher level. Mainly because it is based on cooperation, one on one battles are rare, but also because the battle zones are divided into 4 tiers (layers) and do you tour into a field which is too low for your level, you come to be transformed into a chicken and can not conduce to victory in the area. You have to seek opponents at your own level. While it is nice to Pvp is restricted to obvious areas and it is thoroughly free for the player to settle when he want to Pvp. Are we not in the mood for it, then just hold off the Pvp areas.

Tome of Knowledge
Another new thing that Mythic like to make the player aware of is Tome of Knowledge. It is a book where all one's holdings are listed. It's honestly not so much an innovation as the same belief can be found in Lord of the Rings Online, but Mythic has extended it much and there is plentifulness of data in this book, which is helping to make this virtual world more credible. The first time you encounter a monster, Npc, or other you will find writing about it in the Tome of Knowledge, providing background knowledge. Games Workshop has released plentifulness of material for the Warhammer universe, and the Tome of Knowledge is a fine way to bring all this data into the game.

I could have written much more, because there are plentifulness of things to eye in this game. But I hope I listed the main thing that makes Warhammer: Age of Reckoning the time to come star on the Mmorpg heaven. Pve (Player vs. Environment) part is capability work that uses the well-known recipe of quest after quest. This is all just made eaven better with the social Quest, and a rich background story well anchored in the (few) well-known Warhammer world. Pvp (Player vs. Player) component are naturally not better in any Mmorpg. Even habitancy that not commonly bother with Pvp will be drawn into the war between Order and Destruction, and my bid is that even the most carefully opponent of Pvp could be persuaded to Pvp in Warhammer online. Still there is plentifulness to do in War even without Pvp. A announcement of a Mmorpg is always a snapshot, since they are enduringly under development. The image of War is a very good image right now, and if Mythic Entertainment continues in the same track, then it may be a success. It has at least deserved it!

Warhammer Online - Age of Reckoning communicate

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Short summary of Warhammer Online Armies Guide - Armies of Order and Armies of Destruction Guide

Released just this year, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is other addition to the popular Mmorpg or massively multiplayer online role playing game. Termed "War," the game was industrialized by Mythic Entertainment and was based off the setting of "Warhammer Fantasy." The game is basically set in a way that there are two isolate warhammer online armies fighting: the armies of order and the armies of destruction. Each army is added divided into isolate armies which has three to four class choices. The class, which is often referred to as a "career" in Warhammer Online, has about four divisions per army: tank, Melee Dps or Damage Per Second, Ranged Dps, and Healer. Take a look into other warhammer online order and destruction armies guides for more data on how to enhance your game play.

The Armies are yours for the taking when you play the game. However, you have to look into a range of aspects before you start picking the army of your choice. Each army has, of course, a dissimilar set of skills. They have varied troop types as well, along with magical abilities. Each army also has a confident war gear. All in all, there are six basic armies in Warhammer Online: three for the armies of order and three for the armies of destruction. Under the armies of order are the dwarfs army, the empire army, and the high elves army. Under the order of destruction are the greenskins army, the chaos army, and the dark elves army.


Leading the armies, under the agency of the Armies of Order, is the Dwarfs Army which is sometimes known as the Oathbearers. They got this denomination because of their sworn allegiance to the High King. The dwarfs army is made up of tenacious warriors who always have to defend their hoards. The Empire Army is also known as the "Order of the Griffon." Its emperor is Karl Franz. They are comprised of priests, wizards, and warriors who must defend their realm. They acknowledge only to Karl Franz, the emperor. Finally, for the armies of order, there is the High Elves which are also known as the Shining Guard. They are led by Prince Tyrion, a legendary warrior. They must defend their island, Ulthuan, while their Phoenix King is away fighting alongside the army of the Empire.

The other agency of the armies is the Armies of Destruction which is added grouped into the Greenskins, Chaos, and Dark Elves. Orcs and goblins form the Greenskins Army. Their leader is named Grumlok. Their archenemy is the Dwarf Army. The Chaos Army is true to its name: it must originate chaos by destroying all that is in their way. They pay worship to four gods: Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Khorne. If the main enemy of the Greenskins are the Dwarves, for the Chaos Army their archenemy is the Empire Army. Last on the list is the Dark Elves. They used to be High Elves. Their king is Malekith, also known as the Witch King---who always wants to take the throne of the Phoenix King. The Dark Elves worship the Elven God of War and they do so by sacrificing humans. The Dark Elves live in Naggaroth. In Warhammer Online, the Dark Elves are commonly pitted against High Elves. Having a warhammer online order and destruction armies guide will help you with your game.

Short summary of Warhammer Online Armies Guide - Armies of Order and Armies of Destruction Guide